The Art of The Pacifist’s War : Taking Down The Powerful Bully
About Lesson

If you are being abused by a Powerful Bully, Lay down arms. 

Taking up arms against a Powerful Bully, will only make the Bully cry, “I’m a Victim!”

Powerful Bullies have mastered the ancient art of “Playing the Victim.”

They whine. They cry. They fake their Victimization. They seek out Power and they Abuse strategically, with bait-and-switch.

The best way to take down a Powerful Bully is to nourish and educate the True Victims. Teach them about Booker T. Washington instead. Teach them about Ghandi. Teach them about Mother Nature. 

Using your Anger to Educate and Target the True Victims, and building a Campaign of Peace and Knowledge, will do a number of things: 

1 – It will force the bully’s true colors to the surface. The Powerful Bully has one weakness : Not getting the attention to cry “Poor me!”

Think of Ghandi. Think of how Ghandi fought.

2 – By laying down arms, it will allow others to see the Truth, and then people and others will decide the True Bully and True Victim for themselves.

3 – It will allow the World to see, really, what is going on. 

4 – By taking up arms, it distracts from your Message, which is lost in the violence. 

Violence is the fastest way to lose credibility. 

To take down a Powerful Bully, you have to think 20 steps ahead of the Bully. You have to be quieter, smarter, wiser, and more honorable. You have to ACT like the True Underdog that you are. 

You must put down the Arms.

5 – By turning the Bully and Abuser into a Lesson for your Youth, not teaching hatred, but rather, teaching the Power of Pacifist Ethical Truth, the True Bully loses the Victim. But also, the True Bully loses the “Magic Act” of claiming to be The Victim.

6 –  When dealing with a Powerful Bully, your only fight must be Pacifically preserving your Future and your Youth, by strategically planning Education and Ethical Power instead. 

7 – Strip the Powerful Bully of their Victims. Educate your Youth instead.

8 – And only then, will the Powerful Bully whine and complain louder. 

9 – When they have nothing left to complain about, because they are stripped of their Victims, do others see the True Victim.

Only then is Ethical Justice corrected.