A Discipline is Discovered by Philosopher-Scientists only who use Scientific Method to Reverse Engineer a Discipline right out of Mother Nature. This is done use Intuition, Linguistics, Logic, Math, Physics, and then Chemistry and Biology.
When all the Sciences align to validate your work, you have found a Discipline.
The Ancient Greeks were Pro’s at this, which is why they Reverse Engineered over 5 Disciplines including Music Theory, Philosophy, Logic, Geometry, Psychology, Learning, Education, and Astronomy. Aristotle was the last of the Ancient Greeks to do this.
It is why the art from that era was so extraordinary (Venus De Milo) and then… all of sudden… it wasn’t.
The Roman Politics of the day interfered with the Ancient Greek Educational Progression and put an end to it. In the 4th Century, the Ancient Greek Educational System was replaced with The Roman Educational System, which is what everyone uses today.
The next people to Reverse Engineer a Discipline was Newton and DaVinci in the 16th Century. They were able to revive the lost Science of Reverse Engineering Disciplines, which is how Newton discovered Physics and how DaVinci invented Flying machines in the 1500’s.
Copernicus also obtained this Science and Galileo Galilei.
“Why wasn’t it passed on?”
Because anyone who tried to share this knowledge was executed or banished. Machiavelli had it, and he tried. Cervantes had it. Shakespeare had it.
In the 1500’s it became very clear that — while Science was allowed — this knowledge was not. So the Philosopher-Scientists hid it inside Art and Story within The Great Books.
This is The *real* DaVinci Code.
As I said, it takes a Philosopher-Scientist to discover and Master the Science behind The Discovery of Disciplines, and you require The Ancient Greek Educational System.
In 1992, I found Plato’s Curriculum and I followed it to the Letter. I read over 100 Great Books all of which contained this Knowledge. I applied Plato’s Curriculum to the Great Books and deciphered DaVinci’s Code.
In 2023, I was able to Reverse Engineer:
- Parenting
- Integrated Mathematics
- Pythagorean Psychology
- Justice and Law
- Power Economics
- Business
- Education
- Learning
- Linguistics
- Logic
- Philosophy
And in September 2024, I found someone who had, unconsciously, Reverse Engineered Finance and Investment.
In this Course, we will be covering all of these Subjects with you, which are “The Missing Disciplines” you required to complete and round out Your Education.
And, we put Linguistics, Logic, and Philosophy back into The Curriculum.
This is The Ancient Greek Educational System and they did things… a lot differently than the Roman Education you are used to.
If you want to learn more about The 2,000 Year Old War on Education, you can read about that here.