Course Content
The Academic Disciplines : How To Be A Student And A Teacher
About Lesson

The Disciplines each contain a Focal Point, a Primary Skill that is Mastered by the Disciple. 

Music = Progression

Music-Dance = Movement

Art = Perspective and Detail

Art-Drawing = Outline and Detail

Art-Painting = Layering

Art-Sculpting = Construction

Theater and stage = Connection

Reading and Writing = Articulation

Linguistics = Translation

Logic = Order and Sequence

Logic-Math = Metric of Balance and Quantity

Logic-Arithmetic = Quantity

Logic-Algebra = Simplification

Logic-Geometry = Shape

Logic-Calculus = Calculation

Logic-Trigonometry = Relativity

Physics = Law

Chemistry = Interaction

Biology = Integration

Philosophy = Growth

Jediology = All of this


Philosophy-Astronomy = Synchronization

Philosophy-Economics = Regulation

Philosophy-Parenting = Nourishment

Philosophy-Teacher = Inheritance

Philosophy-Ethics = Quality


And that is why you need to study these Subjects.


Further Reading –>

The Discipline Triads