All of Learning contains two Primary Subjects: The Sequence and the Language inside that Sequence. A Teacher should only be teaching the Student that there is a Sequence, what the Sequence contains (That is the Curriculum) and also the Language inside the Sequence.
The Stages are always the same. Once you know the Sequence, you can apply this formula to *all* subjects and the Student can do the rest on their own.
The Sequence is :
What the Subject Does, this is Plato’s Point and it consists of One Word.
In Art this is “Perspective.” Perspective is the only thing studied in Art.
This is why we say Subjective, perspective, and point of View.
Every Subject has two Participants. There is the Observer (Outsider) and The Artist (The Insider). Most Teachers are Observers.
Only Masters are Insiders. The Apprentice (Student) is on the Journey of becoming an Insider after being an Outsider. This is why it is so important that an Apprentice learns from an Insider.
Only the Insider (Master) has accomplished the Journey that the Apprentice is on.
Tradesmen are Professional Apprentice. Only Life Learners ever make it to Mastery and beyond.
The first thing you need to do as an Apprentice is prepare yourself for the Vocabulary Barrier. The Communication Chart will help you with this.
With dedication, it takes about 3 weeks to learn a new Vocational Language.
Teachers must remember that Apprentices do not speak the language that they are fluent in. A Good Teacher will aid an Apprentice in the Language and Communication of the Vocational Language.
Apprentices need to keep a notebook to document their new Vocabulary as they move through the Sequence. They must assert themselves and be comfortable PAUSING THE LESSON to look up new words.
Good Teachers will have a word list at the ready for the Student and will have a Vocab Process in place for the Student during the lesson.
Vocabulary Words are the building blocks for Logical Comprehension. The Student *cannot* comprehend without a Word defined.
A Good Teacher will never continue a lesson without the word defined for the Student.
Word Definition takes precedence above all else in the lesson for this is the Foundational Building Blocks of the Logical Sequence of that Vocation.