All Disciplines and Learning have Common Denominators that act as Origin Lines. These Common Denominators become Milestones that a Student can use to check how good or how bad a Teacher/Coach is.
Did the teacher start you off with Plato’s Point (The Origin)?
Is the teacher following The Sequence and in the Right Order?
Are they pausing to define the words you need so you *can* construct your comprehension?
Is the teacher ensuring you have a Foundation of Solid Understanding before moving the class into the next lesson?
Are they assigning you tasks to get you inside the Academic Discipline’s Sequence or is the class structure keeping you on the outside of the Discipline?
Is the Teacher able to explain things clearly and simply with few words and in the right order so that you understand?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then the teacher is not qualified to be teaching you.
Remember what Einstein said. “If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not understand it well enough.”
And Newton. “In simplicity there is Truth.”
Complicated is the first sign that the Teacher is not educated. Which is why so many people complicate things. Beware the teacher who says, “It’s complicated” for they have confessed their own ineptitude.