Course Content
The Academic Disciplines : How To Be A Student And A Teacher
About Lesson

In order to Understand what A Discipline is or how Education works, you must first understand what an Academic Cradle is and also, what Logic is. 

An Academic Cradle is a Discipline that “wraps around” or “holds” all of the Disciplines inside of it. To study a Discipline inside a Cradle, is to study only a fraction of the Cradle.

Biology is an Academic Cradle, which holds all the 18 Disciplines. 

Logic is an Academic Cradle that holds all of the Disciplines, including Biology. 

Philosophy is an Academic Cradle that holds the All of Everything including Logic, but Logic also holds Philosophy.

Story is an Academic Cradle that holds Philosophy, and Logic holds Story. Logic is Story.

All other Disciplines are “contained” inside a Cradle. 

Cradles are the Common Denominators of All the Disciplines.

To remove an Academic Cradle is to remove the “Connection” between All the Disciplines and also, to lose “The Point” of why we study them


Logic an Academic Cradle that is the Science of Comprehension and Story. 

Comprehension and Story is the Progression that occurs with Integration and Disintegration (Reverse Engineering). 

You have heard of Summation. Summation is not the same thing as Integration. 

Summation measures Quantity. 

Integration merges the Summation into One. Always, One.

Logic is really Integration Mathematics. And it is the Science of Integration Mathematics. 

Logic is the Mathematics that cradles all other Mathematics. 

Logic is the “Cradle” of all the Disciplines. 

Story is the Integration of all Events into a Single Title.

You cannot learn effectively — you cannot tech effectively — unless you know about Academic Cradles. 

An Academic Cradle is only discovered with the Perspective and Integration Skills mastered in the Philosophical-Sciences. It is one of the steps required to discover and define an Academic Discipline.

Integrated Mathematics and Academic Cradles