This is what the Greek Civilization was built upon: Solomon’s Wisdom and Zoroaster’s Educational System, which was Magic-Based. Hence, “The Magi.”
The Greeks were renowned for their Organization and Mastery in Wisdom and Magic.
Ancient Greece was a perfected Societal Eco-System designed to Naturally Nourish the Logical Events of Human Evolution and Growth for its Citizens.
They set the Standard of “Power” with the Olympic Games, which included a Third, Mental Olympics, every year, which was where the Arcane Arts and Magical Science Standards were set and defined.
Those who most excelled in the Magical Sciences did become Gods, which was the most advanced stages of the Magical Sciences.
I hypothesize that this is the Skill Level that follows Sage.
Rome, however, had a different culture.
Rule #1 of Arcana: Whatever you Create will take on the Image/Data Code of the Parent.
If the Parent created out of Pure Love, then you will have a Creation born of Pure Love.
If the Parent created out of Hate, then you will have a Creation born of Hate.
A Creation bears the Mark of all Parents before them… so even if your parents did not have you out of Pure Love, their Parents, at some point, did… And that Pure Love Code is still inside of you.
This is why many people sever all ties with Parents, or adopt Grandparents over Parents.
An Educational System, a Heritage, and a Home can mend any Contaminated Logical Code.
Rome was founded by and is the Creation of Romulus.
Romulus killed his brother Remus.
Romulus bore The Mark of Cane.
Rome was made with The Mark of Cane.
Rome was nothing, but a Warring and Imperializing Society, hence “Empire.”
Rome came after Ancient Greece.
It would take them 800 years to take down the Greek Civilization where it took them a couple years to take down any other Civilization… because the Ancient Greek Civilization was composed and built by Wizards, Mages, Sages, Philosophers, and Wise Men.
This is the Story of how Rome, with the Mark of Cane, decided to capture “A bunch of Wizards” in a Magic Trap.