The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution
About Course
The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution
Discovered by Angela B. Chrysler (Anna Imagination)
I studied for more than 30 years in Philosophy, Psychology, and Ontology… No matter how much I studied, I could not escape my Mind or my Abusers.
In 2023, I discovered the 12 Ethical Stages and, In less than 1 year, 100% of all of my Mental Illnesses were gone without any symptoms. It is June 2024, 14 Months after I Discovered the Ethics. My symptoms were completely gone by January 2024. You can witness the transformation on my YouTube Channel as I progress through each Ethical Stage 3 Times.
These 12 Ethics are all you need. Ever. They do solve every problem you can think of in this world. They are the summation of Love and Power, both of which are not accessible to you until and unless you are Ethical. – Anna Imagination
Emotions are not your Ethics. They measure your Ethics to show you how Ethical you are behaving.
Ethics are your personal laws.
Your “Standards” for how you should make choices.
If you do not have your Ethics known, you are not going to have Defined Standards or Personal Boundaries or Personal Law to follow when you have choices to make.
Knowing what Ethics are and what they do is vital to your Happiness, Health, and Success. After 30+ years of extensive research, I have identified 12 Core Ethics that are embedded in Every Culture, Story, and Religion.
These 12 Ethics are present and strong in Happy, Healthy, Successful, Prosperous, and Wealthy people.
These 12 Ethics are absent and weak in Miserable, unhealthy, impoverished, and mentally ill people.
These 12 Ethics are Pre-requisitional and are the Matured Product of Spiral Dynamics, which were Discovered in 1970 by Dr. Graves.
They are the parent of the Fibonacci Sequence and are the Solution to Tesla’s 3-6-9 Theory.
They are so powerful that, when we lost them in the 4th Century, Society Collapsed and the Dark Ages began.
100% of everything we do in the Garden is centered around and built on these 12 Ethics. No Exception. To follow them preserves the Self, Nurtures Self-Love, Includes others in your Self-Preservation, and Empowers the Self.
These 12 Ethics are the ingredients of Love.
They are the-be-all-end-all of Humanity.
They are Love.