You’ve got to know this. This is the most important lesson you will learn as an Adult, and it will blind-sight you, because Television lied to you.
Adults weaponize Kindness and “Nice” to hide their Stupid and Malicious Intent from you.
And you will see it 100 times and be dumbfounded every time, “I can’t believe it! They seemed so nice!”
This is because someone somewhere — I have no idea who… yet — is telling all of us that “Nice” and “kindness” is what makes a good person. THIS is bull shit. It is a lie.
Nice and Kindness is not an Evaluator for “Good” or “Bad.” Only Ethical Behavior does that.
But somebody keeps telling us that “Kind” and “Nice” = Good.
No. It doesn’t. In fact, it is a HOSTILITY and an act of AGGRESSION. One that I do not take kindly to because they have WEAPONIZED KINDNESS.
Everytime a Stranger approaches me with Kindness, my guard goes WAY UP. This is because ONLY SALESMEN DO THIS. And they are Manipulative Liars who have mastered the art of Weaponized Kindness.
Ethical Behavior monitored over 3 months to 2 years is the ONLY testament to whether or not someone is Good or Bad. This takes TIME. And Math skills. And observation. And Logic. But if you do not learn it now, the Abuse done to you will cause you harm long before you figure this out.
All parents SHOULD be teaching THIS to their children. STRANGERS ARE DANGEROUS because they are UNDEFINED.
A Stranger who acts like your friend is DANGEROUS. Stranger Danger is a VERY REAL THING.
Real Strangers are CAUTIOUS. They are reserved. They are *not* kind. REAL Strangers keep their distance.
If you want to do business with someone, you need to be vetted and then introduced through a NETWORK. The Healing Garden Academy (Our Franchise) teaches you how and does this with you.
Learn this and you will see it. Adults weaponize “Kindness” and “Nice” to hide their Stupid, their True Intent, and their lack of Ethics. When a Stranger acts Nice or Kind, they are Selling you something you probably don’t want or need.
They don’t care about you. They care what they can GET from you. All Salesmen are Narcissists. Remember that.
True Salesmen never sell. Only Narcissistic ones do.