The U.S. has carried debt since its inception. Debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75 million, primarily borrowed from domestic investors and the French Government for war materials. – From FiscalData.Gov
This is a sign, people. We started this country in debt. This is foreshadowing of what we could have expected… and here we are.
That was our first clue that this was not going to end financially well.
So this is what the Government is doing. It needs money. So it invents a Product (A War Bond), which is basically and IOU. The Government writes up an IOU and now the Share Holder of said bond owns a piece of the Government.
The Federal Debt is all the IOU’s that the Government has accrued since 1776… and has failed to pay back.
On occasion, they refinance to “get a better interest rate.”
Translation : The Government “Built A Business” and borrowed its Startup Capital that it couldn’t pay back. It has been borrowing ever since.
Rising debt reduces business investment and slows economic growth. It also increases expectations of higher rates of inflation and erosion of confidence in the U.S. dollar. – Sourced from Peter G Peterson Foundation
In Business there are three key factors: Input, Output, and a Regulator.
The Government does not have a Regulator. As a result, It’s Output is greater than it’s Input.
The Government itself is… a Dependent.
We are in a Codependent Relationship with our own Government. *face palm* Oh my god! … And they are the Narcissist. We are the… Empaths… **this is embarrassing**
A Regulator would pay the debts out of the Profits of the Investments, which would — if planned properly — cover the expenses required to run the Country (This is how The Child Support Unit covers its expenses and also how Insurance Companies cover theirs).
The Country (Government) requires its own Investment Portfolio (which it currently does not have) so that it can conduct Payouts from its Returns. Instead, it borrows without any ability to pay back the Debt.
The Government needs its own Parent and Financial Advisor, and the People need to become Independent, which is what The Healing Garden does.