The first rule of Learning is to learn the Language. Keep a notebook of all terminology. As soon as you come on something you don’t know, look it up (Wikipedia and Investopedia are excellent sources).
Language is only half of this. You need to know if the Mastery of the Discipline is a Dance, a Story, or a Dissection.
Dance : This is how something moves. It is the Timing of the Ebb and Flow and how everything is Synchronized.
Story : This is the Ordering and the Sequence. It is the Logic of a Discipline. This is the Theory and the Why.
Dissection : This is the Deep — DEEP — break down that we follow when we follow the Sequencing way past the Basic Comprehension. It is the Undiscovered that lies beyond the Known Sequence.
Economics and Investment, Politics… Music and Classic Physics… this is Dancing.
Theater and Stage, Reading and Writing, Computer Sciences, Blockchains, Programming, Linguistics, Learning, and Education… This is Story and Logical Sequencing. It’s Metrics and Calculations.
Art, Quantum Physics, Chemistry, Biology… This is Dissection.
Learning is all about knowing if a Discipline is a Dance, a Story, or a Dissection.
It is Reverse Engineering the Sequence so you know the Order of Operations so you can locate Plato’s Point within the Discipline.
Once you find Plato’s Point, you are gold. Plato’s Point is the “Entrance Point” to a Discipline. But are you Dancing, Storytelling, or Dissecting?
But don’t be fooled. All Disciplines contain Dance, Story, Dissection. And where they (The Disciplines) are in the Academic Discipline Spectrum tells you if their Primary Comprehension is Dance, Story or Dissection.