The Market is how items are produced and distributed. You have two options only, which exist on a Spectrum.
(Everything has two options only, which exists on a Spectrum).
Your Choices are Free Market (Capitalism) or Command Market (Communism).
America is a Hybrid. Most Markets are a Hybrid called Mixed Market.
Most of the existing capitalist economies are mixed economies that combine elements of free markets with state intervention and in some cases economic planning.[16]
Capitalism only means “Right to Own Business your Own Business.”
The opposite of Capitalism is the Government owning all Businesses, which is called Communism.
In a Free Market only, you have the freedom to choose to become a Business Owner and open a shop on Etsy, or publish your own books as a Freelancer.
When someone says, “I hate Capitalism,” chances are they are too ignorant to know what Capitalism even is or they are Communists.
In reality — according to the Definitions in Investment, Finance, and Economics — the US is part-communist Society… and part-capitalist Society.
Learn more about Command Economy here.
From Investopedia…
What Is a Command Economy?
A command economy is a key aspect of a political system in which a central governmental authority dictates the levels of production that are permissible and the prices that may be charged for goods and services. Most industries in command economies are publicly owned.
The main alternative to a command economy is a free-market system, in which supply and demand dictate production and prices.
The command economy is a component of a communist political system, while a free-market system exists in capitalist societies.