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Build-A-Business “From Dream To Z” For The Ethical Business Owner
About Lesson

Let’s sit down and have a chat. 

In everything I do, no matter what subject I sit down and study or master, the Cart and the Horse are a reoccurring Common Denominator that causes the most amount of pain to everyone, bar none. 


Your Horse goes AFTER the Cart. The Horse has to PULL the Cart. 

Logic comes BEFORE Emotions in Mental Health.

Love comes BEFORE Logic, BEFORE Emotions in Mental Health.

Marketing and Advertising come AFTER the Funnel, AFTER the Message.

Funnels come AFTER Messaging.

Messaging comes AFTER your Business Dream is built. 

Your Mental Health comes BEFORE the Business Dream.

Your Network comes BEFORE the Patrons. 

Your Fans come BEFORE the Money. 


Let’s do this another way…

Love (Feelings) +> Unobstructed Logic +> Want +> Dream +> Emotions Flow Free +> Do +> Imagine +> Create +> Nourishing Mental Health +> Business Idea +> Messaging #1 + CTA +> Network +> Messaging #2 + CTA +> Friends & Fans +> Business Concept to Actualized +> Messaging #3 + CTA  +> Patrons +> Money Flows +> Fans +> Amplify Message #3 + CTA +> Advertising and Marketing +> [REPEAT] Patrons +> Money Flows +> Fans +> Amplify Message #3 + CTA +> Advertising and Marketing +> [REPEAT] Patrons +> Money Flows +> Fans +> Amplify Message #3 + CTA +> Advertising and Marketing +> 

Yes. It is this Simple. 

“In simplicity there is Truth.” – Newton

This is Logical Sequencing and the Order of Business Operations. Focusing on a Symptom IGNORES the Problem and you’re putting the Horse before the Cart, which makes the problem much worse. 

EVERYTHING — 100% of all and everything — has an Order of Operations. This Order of Operations is The Story of the Sequence you are trying to Create. 

When you are building a Book or a Business, a Life or a Romance, you are trying to build a Story with a collection of Operations in the correct ORDER. 

This is Logic. 

You have a Cart. 

You have a Horse. 

There are people who will tell you, “It doesn’t matter!” 

There are people who will tell you, “You have no Free Will!”

There are people who will tell you, “There is no other way!”

There are people who will tell you, “You’re a Utopist!” (Those people are Skeptics)

There are people who will tell you, “No! You gotta put the Horse before the Cart!”

There are people who will tell you, “It doesn’t matter, we’re all going to die in the end anyway.” 


The Cart goes Before the Horse. For those who want the job done easy and correct with the highest quality, The Cart goes Before the Horse. The Healing Garden adds “Ethics” in there to super charge the Quality and boost the Nourishment of the Horse and the Owner.