The reason why we’re even bothering with a Business is for three reasons :
- You want to Contribute to Society/You want to help people
- You have a Calling/Mission
- You want or need to make money
In this section we are going to talk about Money.
I have been trying to figure out what exactly Money is for nearly 30 years. Money IS NOT Energy. Physics says so. Power Economics proves this.
Money is a Placeholder, according to Aristotle. I agree with him on this.
But it is so much more than that.
After reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and spending an entire two YEARS analyzing Money, Business, and Wealth, this is what I have finally deduced at 3:00 AM after Manifesting my Path to this answer :
Money is first and foremost an Attitude.
And if you have the wrong Attitude, you will never get Money. Not one Cent. Not a Drop. Never.
Money is an Attitude.
Money is not Currency. It is a Resource. Things are all the things that are part of this. Wealth — many wiseman will tell you — is not at all Cash or Assets, but Joy, Love, Happiness, and Family.
It is all of these things.
Money, before it is anything else, however, is an attitude. It is the Attitude of Desire. It is the Attitude of Formidableness and Focused Determination that always — always — results in Financial Abundance.
Money REPRESENTS a lot of things. What it represents to you is a confession to your Psychology. For me, its Freedom and a Metric of Quality. And that is answer is all about me. It has nothing to do with any one else.
What Money *really* is in our Society is a Manipulation Tactic so Mentally Ill Power Hoarders can feel stronger, bigger, more powerful so they can stay safe. 100% of our Attitude on Money in our Society is a Conditioned response caused by the Mental Illness of Others.
Once upon a Time, we had everything we needed. Resources were abundant and we did not need anything. But one group of people called The Romans desired Power.
They realized if they made Money a limited Resource and if they forced people to Value Money equal to Resources, that this would increase the Value of Money, driving the Value of Money up.
So laws were invented to drive up the Demand on Money to increase the Value of Money so people with Influence could Control their Power with a “Volume Knob” that they turn up or down as it pleased them. This is why the Calendar was invented in the 7th Century BCE and why Taxes were invented.
To force people to Value Money to drive up its Value. Then Natural Resources were withheld to force the Value of Money up. And over 2,700 years, people forgot that Money is Nothing unless others tell us it is something to Value.
Inside of that System, Money is a Resource Placeholder that represents Value and Worth of Skills and Assets. Outside of that System, Money is nothing. The true irony of Money is that it represents Value and Worth, which gives it Value and Worth. Money is an unnecessary Mediator that one can eliminate if they just learn to Communicate and Conflict Resolve within the Trade and Barter System.
Money does simplify and complicate a trade based on the Value and Worth of the two people involved.
The moment you forget what Money is, you become enslaved by it.
Never forget that Money is just a Metric to represent Value and Worth of Skills and Assets. And that it’s only Value and Worth is determined only by the Value and Worth of Skills and Assets assigned to it.
Now too many people don’t know HOW to “get” Money. But it is really The Journey of Attitude of Unrelenting, Formidableness, and Focused Determination.
Money is the SYMPTOM of Satisfaction and the Desire of Others for your Skills or Asset. People who struggle with Money focus on Money and not their Skills or Assets.
Most people DO NOT have a “Money Problem” or a “Money Block” until they are told that they have a “Money Problem” or a “Money Block.” This is called Placebo Effect. DO NOT TRUST anyone who tells you that you have a “Money Problem” or a “Money Block.”
In most cases, that person is scamming you, to create a “Money Problem” or a “Money Block” inside of you, so you will have a problem they then “have a solution for” that they are going to sell you.
This is a scam.
What you REALLY have is The Forbidden Fruit Paradox, which many people think is “Imposter Syndrome.” The problem is, The Forbidden Fruit Paradox can only be resolved by YOU when you decide to give yourself Authority to have Authority.
NO ONE can “give” that to you.
In order to make money, — make money, earn money… don’t let people try and tell you that this verbiage “stops money from flowing in to you.” That is what I call “An Old Wive’s Business Tale.” — you need to Focus on The Catalyst and not the Symptom.
What do you WANT to do?
What do you LOVE to do?
Surrender. Do not Control so much. If you have a Money Flow Problem, you simply have not executed the Correct Order of Business Operations.
You require an Idea and a Dream. The Dream is the What you want to do. The Idea is HOW you are going to get to your Dream.
The Idea is every detail from Attitude and Desire, the Pursuit of the Dream, The Building, and Trial and Error.
Sales is Rhetoric + Messaging and is the Communication of your Idea. I do NOT condone Sales. The Authentic, clean, clear, and precise Delivery with Passion of your Idea to others.
You will need Capital. Or you will need to Generate Something From Nothing, which we teach you here how to do this. You will need an Idea. You will need Resources. You will need People, a Network, and a detailed outline.
You will need to build your Idea, mold it and shape it into your Journey. All of this is what leads to Money. Because Money is going to be one of the Metrics you use to Measure Input, Regulation, and Output so you can measure the Health of the Life of your Idea and Dream.
Money represents the Quality of The Life of your Dream. Until you get Money pumping through your Business like the Blood of your Dream, your Dream is still just that : A Dream. An Idea.
It becomes Real when the Money arrives.
Money is Blood that flows on the Current of Emotional Energy. EMOTIONS are Energy. Money rides on Energy.
To say Money is Energy is like saying “A Boat is Water.” THAT is how stupid the concept “Money is Energy” is to a Physicist. A Boat is not Water. Money is not Energy.
Neither the Boat nor the Money will flow without The Current to Ride in. The Current is Energy. The Current is Water.
That is what Money really is. It is your Businesses’ Quality Metric. You are building an Organism that lives and breathes on its own through the Lives of the People your Business Touches.
This is your Attitude. It will takes years, Decades to build your Dream and pump life into it. You are Creating an Offspring of Dream.
You need People in your Dream. People to come to your Business, to make Trade with your Dream to better their Lives somehow.
You need the Energy to Pump Life into the Dream.
You need the Idea to Generate the Energy Stream.
You need Momentum that Builds your Dream.
You need to know if you are bringing the Energy, the Idea, or the Momentum to your Dream. And you need to Master Communications and Messaging — The Communication of your Dream to others — so you can piece together the other Parts you don’t have.
I was lying in bed at 3:00 AM, thinking about a little 9 year old Robert in a driveway, melting down nickle from toothpaste tubes to literally forge Coin.
And Robert’s Rich Dad saying, “You were closer that day than most to actually making money.”
I couldn’t get that line — that single moment — out of my head. What does that mean?
Meanwhile, I laid in bed at 3:00 AM for the millionth time after nearly 30 years old analyzing this stupid old question of mine, “What is Money?”
“You were closer that day than most to actually making money.”
And that is when it finally — FINALLY — dawned on me. The Attitude. The Pursuit. The Relentless Determination to “Find The Way” through Desire to Idea to Action.
Money is an Attitude.
Don’t you DARE let anyone tell you that it isn’t. I have interviewed SOOOOOO many Millionaires who told me they were broke and despairing just like Poor People.
One day, I had lunch with the Music Producer of a very, VERY famous Singer/Actress,– no name to protect his privacy — moped in despair at me, telling me how broke he was despite having Millions because his Millions was not at all in ratio to his Output.
He talked just like the Poor People I interviewed. His was the first of many.
He truly was not at all Rich or Wealthy. That is when I “upped my game” to Billionaires and began interviewing them instead.
The difference was like night and day. Millionaires had the same attitude as Poor People.
When I worked on Wall Street, I interviewed so many Investors and Traders… All of them wore the Armani Suits… Almost none of them could afford them.
All of them talked about Money and their past trauma of being poor. They reminded me so much of my second Husband.
Those people who hoarded to Nourish their Trauma of Not having enough resources.
Pursuit of Wealth due to Scarcity Poverty Trauma you have not resolved will leave you impoverished no matter how much assets and resources you manage to collect.
This is NOT a “Money Problem” or a “Money Block.” This is a Trauma Response to Scarcity and Freedom. This is about having a Loss of Discipline over your Authority.
Money is Attitude.
If you think “I don’t care about money,” then you will never have it.
If you think, “I need money,” then you will never have enough of it.
If you think, “I love Money, the Pursuit, and the Joy of it,” then you will be chasing it always.
If you think, “I love Writing/Teaching/Connecting with others” then… and then, will it come to you, and in floods of Abundance.
Money is a Symptom, but your Catalyst is the Thermostat.
You should be asking “What is the Catalyst?” We talk about this with the Order of Business Operations.
You need an Idea, You need Energy, and you need Momentum.
You need to know who you are to have the RIGHT Idea for YOU.
Then you will need Communication Skills to pass your Idea to others who get IGNITED by your Idea and Energy.
Then you need to build a Team who will work with you to turn your Dream into something REAL.
Then you need Momentum Drivers to push it on and forward.
You will need to Steer your Idea, Nourish your Idea, Grow your Idea, and then your Momentum Drivers need to take your Idea and your Energy and syphon it on through to the People who want to buy your Idea.
(This is all Physics, which we cover in Power Economics).
You are Communicating only an Idea. Over and Over again.
Raising Capital is the hardest part of this entire process. That is what Rich Dad, Poor Dad will teach you how to do. He teaches you the Relentless Pursuit of the Money… The Attitude.
Do not Quit.
Do not — DO NOT — go the “Traditional Route,” which is designed to detain you, detract you, steal you, enslave you and do the OPPOSITE of Getting Money.
DO NOT take an Economics Course UNTIL you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This is because Economics teaches you Scarcity Mindset, which WILL embed a Scarcity Mindset and Poverty Mindset into your Attitude.
Power Economics Nourishes the Abundance Mindset and into you. This Course you are currently in is PURE Power Economics. We show you the Anatomy of Business where your Money Blood will flow through your Business giving life to it.
Your Money is the last — and I do mean THE VERY LAST thing to show up in your Dream.
But the moment it does, that is your Frankenstein Moment. “IT’S ALIVE!”
So what is Money?
- It is an Attitude.
- It is Business Metric of Quality.
- It is a testament to the overall health of your Business.
- It is a Placeholder for Tradeable Resources.
- It is the Ultimate “Problem Solver” that Bypasses ALL Problems “The Easy Way.” (Learn this one HARD)
- It is The Shortcut through ALL Problems except Love, Happiness, and Health, and only if you can get it. The irony is, you will have to Master ALL Problem Solving Skills in order to obtain an Abundance of Money. 🤣🤣🤣
Money is NOT :
- Energy
- Currency
- The root of all Evil… I could SLAP the asshole who started that bullshit
Do not desire the Love of People or the Love of the Population. Do not. If you want Money, do not at all desire the Love of People. The reason why is this :
If you love and desire the Love of People, the moment they learn that you desire money, they will turn on you, hate you, bash on you. And if you Desire the Love and Approval of the People, that will become your Money Block as it will interfere with your Attitude to get Money.
I spent the last two years researching the Attitude of Money and the Prejudice of Poor People against Billionaires.
And only last night, after reading one single Post on Instagram and the Comments did I finally — FINALLY — see The People praising “Someone with Money doing the Right thing!”
Seeing that line after getting two years of Haters changed something in my head INSTANTLY that led me to THIS EPIPHANY at 3:00 AM that I FINALLY could figure out what Money is.
Your desire for their Love and Approval will place a value on their Approval that will rock you to your core.
You CAN pursue Money AND be loved by them! But you have to be Ethical in order to pull that off and that is what this entire Course is for.
To teach you how to be BOTH Rich AND Ethical.
Protect your Money Attitude. You lose that, and you will forever be poor.
And that is what Rich Dad, Poor Dad was trying to teach you. The Attitude of Money.