You cannot build a Business the right way and strong if you are not Healthy.
Not, “If you are in the right Mindset.”
You have to BE Healthy without any shortcuts.
Your Mindset is the Horse. Mental Health is The Cart.
Here is why.
Before you build your Business, you should be building your Network. Your Network takes up 90% of your Business Success and consists of your Employees, Staff, and Patrons.
Most Business Owners do not include these three people in their Business Network. They only think about Networking late in the game when they’re trying to “Make Friends” (They are also in your Network).
Your Network is the Summation of your ENTIRE Community. They are EVERYONE you know, intimately to not at all. It’s that dude sitting in the same car with you in the Subway. It’s your Children.
It is up to you nurture the Good Ones, the ones meant for you to bring them closer.
But if you are not Mentally Healthy, you are going to attract all the wrong people for you and you do not want that. You will attract people who will steal from you, sabotage your Business, and try to ruin you.
Before you even Network, you need to build you first.
Build your Network second (while you build your Life Stream).
Build your Business Machine last.
Building your Machine will do a lot to heal you! Start your Network now, but be realistic about who you are selecting (4th Ethic).
Ideally, this takes about 2 years to do while you put everything together. You cannot short cut this. The moment you short cut this, you have left the Life Stream and your Ethics.
It won’t work and you will have a hard time with it.
The goal is to:
- Build your Dream.
- Do it Ethically!
- Do it INSIDE your Life Stream
- Build your Power Network (We train you how)
- Refine your Business and your Life, using Your Business to help you find YOU!
To do this most effectively, we recommend starting you right off with Triadic Healing Part #1, which you can do Simultaneously with this course.
Be sure you register as a student so you can get updates every time we upload new material!
This Course is a “Build-Along-With-You.”
This means we build only when it is Relevant, Needed, Wanted, and in the Right Order of Operations.