Have you ever studied the Psychology of an Enabling Mother?
I have.
She Micro-Manages her Children the EXACT same way Business Owners Micro-Manage their Patrons by hand-holding them through their Thinking Process.
So much so… that the Business requires — becomes dependent upon — the Enablers (Salesmen) to Groom and lead the Patrons into Obedience (Buying).
95% of Businesses are set up like this.
Do you have any idea how much work this in? In Physics? This is an insane level of Energy Output that one person exhausts in resources to produce little to no ROI.
Every System — Human Person included — requires a Bare Minimum of Nourishment to sustain Optimum Basics. This means they require an Optimized Cognitive Core, Food, Sleep, Water, and Mental Nourishment to Sustain the Basic Levels.
Once you reach Basic Levels, THEN you can build up a Surplus. It is the Surplus we use to Connect, Trade, and Nourish into Growth. That is what Business Building is. Nourishment into Growth.
The Formula for Nourishment and Growth is :
Trade + Trade +> Synergy. The Synergy is what causes Growth. The more Trade Exchange, the more Synergy. The more Synergy, the more Growth.