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Build-A-Business “From Dream To Z” For The Ethical Business Owner
About Lesson

The biggest struggle Business Owners face is figuring out which of these Tiers is their own without them even knowing that the Tiers exist or how to break through and overcome the Stigma of each Tier.


I talk a lot about this. I know I did write it down in another lesson, but I want to cover it in greater detail here and again. It is that important. 

When I built The Healing Garden, I knew I was building The University Emporium. The Core of all Education and Learning backed by a Science Lab with all the Sciences Integrated to Dissect Education and Learning with Ethics and Psychology all in one.

In the World Of Education, no one sits above The University Emporium. We are Tier #9. I have other Businesses that are at Tier #8.

Quality and Expertise backed by Science and the skills to Reverse Engineer new Disciplines is what we bring to the table merged with The Ancient Greek Educational System and Free, High Quality DIY Learning for All.

I train Psychologists and Educators who have been in their Business for 40+ Years. It is an entirely different Ball Game that what Hobbyists play. 

That is the Reality of my Situation. I am a Professor, an Ashavana — a rare type of Philosopher — an Ontological Physicist, and a Magi. The first one in 2,000 years.

I had Coaches ask me if I needed help… with my Anxiety.


I am the Founder of Psychological Physics who decoded the Algorithm for the Subconscious Mind and built The Prosthetic Subconscious Mind. No. I do not need help with Anxiety.

That is like asking Steve Jobs if he needed help with updating his Automatic Computer Update. 

Being treated like a Coach at Tier #1 was degrading… for them. It was an insult and a testament to how little the Business Owner bothered to research me and my Business before selling to me. I was like Chef Ramsey who had just been sold to by a Girl Scout selling EZ Bake Oven Food.

Don’t be a Girl Scout selling EZ Bake Oven Food to Chef Ramsey. Don’t do it. Nothing discredits your Business more than making this mistake.

This is how to prevent you from falling into this trap.

  1. You need to know which Tier YOU are at. 
  2. You need to know which Tier you WANT to be at.
  3. You need to know which Tier your Patrons are at. 
  4. You need to know which Tier your Patrons WANT to be at.

If you cannot answer all 4 of these questions, then you should NOT be “selling” to a Patron. You should not be selling at all in my book. 

If you’re selling, you already failed at the first 2 Phases of your Business. Selling is for cheaters and scammers.

And in 2024, it is also for Businesses that are outdated. By 2026, it will be unheard of by anyone who takes their Business Serious.

Apprentice Tiers – Highest Targets for Scams

You make little to no money regularly. You have no Network, No Patrons, and no Inner Circle. You may be DM-ing strangers on Social Media. You may be thinking about Ads and Marketing without having a Funnel or a Working Message. You may have tried Crowd Funders, which do not work without a Healthy, Responsive Network.

Tier #1 – Business Hobbyist –> Business-To-Consumer

If you own an Etsy shoppe. This is you. And that is okay! If it is Authentically you, then this is great! You know then that you don’t need to buy anything from anyone to boost your sales.

Your Patrons are Foundationals.

Tier #2 – Business Owner / Entrepreneur –> Business-To-Consumer and Business-To-Business Hobbyist

These are all those “Certified Coaches” who are selling Business Services to others who are too ignorant to know they don’t need those services.

One Scammer I witnessed — it was horrible — she was a Millionaire with this method. Fake Friendship. Lure them in. Offer 98% Discounts off of $100,000 Offers. Spend a week talking about herself. Target Consumers for Repeat Buyers. 

Most of her “clients” had spent over $5,000 being nickle and dimed to death without any profits to show for it.

  • 0 ROI for her Clients
  • Over 2 Million Served
  • 0% Success Rate

Guess which Statistic she used to advertise her Credibility. This is not “every Business Owner.” The purpose of this lesson is to make you aware of Scammers so you can protect yourself.

Your Patrons are Foundationals or Cultivators.

Tradesmen Tiers – Medium Targets for Scams (Most Times they are the Scammers) LLC

These are the Businesses that are “Visible” to Foundationals and Cultivators.

This is where you begin to make Money. This is where you have your Network and you have an Inner Circle to Support you. This is where you have a growing number of Patrons start to trickle in.Your Messaging is working.

Tier #3 – Small Business Owner –> Business-To-Consumer and Business-To-Business Hobbyist/Merchant

Your Patrons are Foundationals or Cultivators.

Tier #4 – Small Business Owner –> Business-To-Business and Business To Merchant

Advertising and Marketing would start to be effective here. But you should be making $!5,000/month before Investing in Marketing and Advertising.

Your Patrons are Cultivators.

Master Tiers – Little to No Scammers

Gatekeepers begin.

These are the Businesses that are “Invisible” to Foundationals and Cultivators, but they know they are there. “U” is here… or Unilever. You’ll know it when you see it… but most people have no idea what it is or what it does. 

Some Business Owners start building here, which is great if this is who you serve. But it is a completely different creature. You are going to focus more on Math and Science and not at all on Feelings in your Message. These are the People who want Success Rates and Math to back up what you have.

In most cases, you are selling to C-Suite Execs only. 100% of all Business Coaches are beneath this level and you should not at all be conversing with them. They will tell you different. Most Coaches don’t even know these Tiers exist. You mingle with Investors, Business Men, Bankers, and Networks.

Tier #5 – Business or Corporation –> Business-To-Business and Business-To-Merchant and Business-To-Entrepreneur

Your Patrons are Foundationals, Cultivators, or Visionaries.

Tier #6 – Business or Corporation –> Business-To-Business and Business-To-Merchant and Business-To-Entrepreneur

Your Patrons are Cultivators or Visionaries.

Philosopher Tiers – Little to No Scammers

Invisible and Unknown to The Public.

This is where you discover, on your own, that these Tiers exist. If you’ve been nodding your way through this lesson with a smile on your face, going, “Yup. She’s got this figured out.” You don’t need me to tell you what this is. You know. You’re here. You are on my level.

How can they make money if the People don’t know about them!? Word of Mouth. Advertising and Marketing is not at all required.

Tier #7 – Business Fleets Tier #1 – (The Healing Garden is here)

Your Patrons are Cultivators, Visionaries, or Pioneers 

Tier #8 – Business Fleets Tier #2 – (The University Emporium is here)

Your Patrons are Visionaries or Pioneers 

Tier #9 – Business Fleets Tier #3 – (Lab QED and The Alma Mater is here)

Your Patrons are Pioneers 



The biggest struggle Business Owners face is figuring out which of these Tiers is their own without them even knowing that the Tiers exist or how to break through and overcome the Stigma of each Tier.

Here is your Homework. Where do you want to be on these Tiers? I mean, all the way done. You are at your dream. Where are you on this map? 

Where are you currently?

This Course teaches you how to get to where you want to be. 


If you are in a Philosopher Tier or you want to be, contact me when you think you’re ready. Forbidden Fruit Paradox.