You know you have your Business right, when you find the right words that allow you to shed your old Mindset and expand your vast wings to fit undefined limits. – Anna Imagination
Welcome to PANDO : The IRL City of The Future “Experience the Future”
Anna is a Philosopher Bard, which she uses as a “Mascot” to connect with people and the Subconscious Mind because this is how your Identity and Subconscious Mind processes learning and data: Through Story, Theater, and Stage. For Anna, an empty page is the Stage.
Behind Anna’s Philosopher Bard, is an Ontological Physicist, An award-nominated Fantasy Author, A Business Scientists, a Societal Solutionist, and Pythagorean Psychologist (Anna is not *Licensed).
This style is done strategically and on purpose to lead others by example on how to live true to the Self. ALL of the Self, as one and at the same time. Because the Disintegrated Self is what is killing us all.
If you have not read this article, read it. This is a continuation of this article.
The mind, it never ceases to amaze me just how much it needs to expand and grow… and every time I have a Perspective Expansion, the last Perspective feels stifling, like I have outgrown it.
It stifles me and I cannot breathe.
I grow fast. Once you know how to grow your mind, it doesn’t stop. And today, I grew again.
I found a place among my people and…
I pause to breath and calm myself.
I feel the Energy move through me. I can’t stop to… It moves too fast. The words move faster than I can write them.
I had a growing day yesterday.
Growing days are my favorite. I found the “Missing Link” in Business Building and it required that I break down 100% of everything I had on the Business Model and rebuild because I built everything out of order.
Narcissism works on a Divide And Conquer Strategy.
This is a Military practiced by Alexander the Great, The Roman Empire, Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello, and Napolean Bonaparte.
In know this strategy well.
It’s Narcissism, weaponized for Military warfare. And I have a strong hypothesis that it was “released” into our culture 2,000 years ago to break down Neighborhoods and Networks on purpose to make us all dependent upon Governments and Leaders.
Narcissism is Psychological Warfare that deliberately targets the Citizens of a culture to secure power.
I hypothesize that it was invented by the Philosophers in the 3rd Century BCE, 80 years prior to Alexander The Great’s conquests.
Narcissism is a Trojan Horse. Between the Trojan Horse + Divide and Conquer + Collapse of a Network… I know Military Psychological Warfare when I smell it and something stinks in the realm of Deceit for Power.
I have the Logical Proof if you want it.
2,000 years, here we are. A Victim of Psychological Warfare.
The Traditional Business Model practices and implements these precise strategies all without our even knowing it. But the Psychological Thumbprint screams too loudly for me to ignore.
Here is how it works.
This is the Story of how People who are abused and scared seek out The Limelight and The Advantage to Enhance and Fortify their own Power, by always making sure they are On the Stage, Visible, and holding “The Upper Hand.”
To pull this off, everyone else always needs to be at The Disadvantage and in the Shadows.
You have to know, “I on at the Top and I have the Power!” says the Narcissist.
And the greatest threat to that power?
Because the Narcissist stands alone.
So to ensure they always have that Advantage of Power, YOU also have to stand alone. Which means the Narcissist’s Greatest Enemy?
Society, Network, Community, and Conversation.
Hence, Divide. Conquer. Banish Friendships, Relationships, Talking, and Communication.
Enter, The Business Model.
A business lives, breathes, and falls on their Network. So how does a Business grow without a Nourished Network? How does a Narcissist make money, secure their Power, and avoid Community all at the same time?
Marketing and Dirty Sales of course riddled with Psychological Manipulation.
Most Aspiring Business Owners are told “You have a money block” or “You have money issues” when they enter the business world.
I’ve done the Psychology. I know the Truth.
They don’t have a Money Block. The Narcissistic Business Owner who mentors and trains them is UNETHICAL. The “Money Block” is really “An Ethical Dilemma” because the Aspiring Business Owner SENSES the Psychological Manipulation within the Sales and Marketing tactics they are told they have to practice for success.
The ones who succeed?
The ones who abandon their Ethical Integrity for money.
Which is why the majority of Successful Business Owners are Unethical.
Hence “Wolf of Wall Street.”
Those who “sense” it, feel it, and know it, push it down to survive.
But what if you didn’t have to?
I ran into this problem. I couldn’t do it. I know PSYCHOLOGY and I took a Vow “Do no harm.”
I CANNOT use Psychological Manipulation in ANY of my Business Model. Which made 90% of what I was given unusable.
I had no choice. I had to find an Ethical Alternative. And I did.
Mother Nature’s Business Model.
This morning, I recorded this YouTube class (See YouTube Video).
We’re going to dive deeper into the Scope of “How Sales Harms The Subconscious Mind” today. You can step into a Mind with intent to Nurture it, manipulate it, or break it.
And when a Subconscious Mind knows its being Manipulated… the Self-Preservation System turns on… But most Minds today have no Self-Preservation System. They instead have Fear Systems.
And the Fear System wakes up and Goes To War… I can’t… I know what that means. What it does. What that leads to.
I can’t touch it.
So we’ll dive into this today and we’ll walk you through the Process and provide you with the Alternative from Mother Nature’s Business Model.
Let’s turn this Article into your Classroom.
Your Assignment:
Ask yourself, are you really “comfortable” and okay with how you do business? Are you the Business Owner who shoved down your Ethical Consciousness to survive? Do you know the Long-Term, Psychological Ramifications of that Decision? What do you think this does to your own Mental Health?
Ponder This:
If you had an Ethical Alternative, would you take it to perserve your people and your Business?
We don’t “teach.” We Train. Learn to Learn:
Conscious Awareness (The Theory via Anna’s Videos and Writings)
Mental Diversification (Practical Practiced Skills in Real Life Application)
Exploratory Dialogues (Discussion : Anna’s Weekly Workshops)
Skills To Practice In Practical Application
Question to Ponder: Become aware of your Ethical IQ. Do you know what makes a person Ethical? How much do you think your Ethics make up your Character? Read Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits For Highly Effective People. Then ask yourself how much you actually know about your own Ethical IQ.
Recommended Learning to Enhance This Lesson
The 12 Ethical Perspectives of Human Growth and Evolution
I want to Enroll in PANDO’s Alexandria University! What do I do to get started?
Our Learning and Training is Tiered.
Tier #1 “The Casual Learner” is basic “Attendance” and Practical Practiced Participation In Real life (No Risk. HIGH ROI)
Tier #2 “The Engaged Learner” is Joining the Discussions and Masterclasses. Literally… Mental Weight Lifting (Low Risk. HIGHER ROI)
Tier #3 “The Serious Learner” is getting the full immersive Experience to Transform your Business and Life (Medium to High Risk. HIGHEST ROI)
This has been part of our 12 Ethics The Healing Garden Course, which is a Division of PANDO. Have you plugged in to PANDO? DM Anna for Details.
*Anna is Queen of The Darkness, having lived as a Domesticated Slave for 40 years. She mastered the Subconscious Mind, and her Expertise comes from 40 years of Mind Mastery. Anna is a Subconscious Mind Whisperer who Broke the Code on the Subconscious Mind.
Become a Patron of The Queen of The Darkness, and Master your Mind.
“Stop being life’s little bitch.”
Schedule your Sessions with Anna and Experience the best life has to offer.