The biggest difference between the 9 to 5 and the Entrepreneur is The “Done-For-You” Network.
If you seek a School or a 9 to 5, you have a ready-made Network done for you that you are stepping into. This is actually a delusion as that is not “YOUR” network. But you still have a Community you can share in.
But the moment you choose the Entrepreneur Path, you are starting over from Scratch.
This is where The Healing Garden steps in and says, “No. Let’s get you a Done-For-You” Community of Entrepreneurs and create an “Office Culture” filled with Entrepreneurs who meet every Friday for an Office Party.
Here is the link to that Office Party
We meet on Zoom at 11:00 AM EST Only people in that Group receive the Link. We host Birthday Parties for the month on the last Friday of the Month! We have Water-Cooler Convo… We can invent Gossip with Mitchel “The Man” Officials who we all hate on so we can pretend we’re at “The Office.” It will be great.
Your Network is the Fuel and Power of your Business. The moment you have a Concept or Idea, that is when you start talking to others about it. I do a lot of comparing Building Businesses to Writing Books because the entire process is IDENTICAL. And so many Business Owners do write books.
So, if you’ve never written a book and you’re wanting to, we cover both Business Angles and merge them together here.