I am at the 68th Level of Consciousness.
I have one last Trial to Face.
The Stone Soup Trial.
I did not Give and Share my Surplus with the World for any other reason than the Knowing that it is not Ethical to Charge people for Knowledge and Wisdom.
Every person who charges money for Knowledge — Training is different — but Knowledge…
Ethics are not Subjective. But also, Ethics are very Personal. And Being Unethical is not possible is Ignorance is present.
What is “Ethical For Me” is not at all Ethical for You, but also, it does not make you Unethical either. It makes you Ignorant.
There is Ethical, Ignorant, and Unethical.
Ignorant is not Unethical.
Unethical is when you KNOW and you do it anyway. Horrible people. Unethicals are RARE.
This is why it is Unethical for Me to eat Meat, but it is Ethical for you — if you are Carnivorous.
Often, we do not allow people to have their own Ethics different from ours. We are intolerant of different Ethics.
So, for me to do a Sales Call — I know better. Thus, I cannot.
For me to “Sell Knowledge…” I know better. Thus, I cannot.
What is Unethical for me is not at all Unethical for you.
I digress on that much needed point…
I did not Give and Share my Surplus with the World for any other reason than the Knowing that it is not Ethical to Charge people for Knowledge and Wisdom.
And that was my problem.
Giving and Sharing must be Practiced with Knowledge to “Treat and Nourish The Subconscious Mind” in Abundance of Sharing and Giving and Gratitude, to KEEP IT AWAY FROM SCARCITY MINDSET.
If you do not Practice Mindful Giving, Sharing, and Gratitude with INTENT to Train the Subconscious Mind that “I have Surplus to Give and Share,” Then you will develop Scarcity Mindset, trigger Human-Locust Mindset Response, and thus, you will have Consumption.