Good! Now that we’re all caught up and on the same page…
A “trick” that Scammers and Billionaires have “figured out” they say, is “Give Money to People and the Karma Bank will reward you.”
This is called Dumb Man’s Psychology.
That “Money Block” you don’t have is really Consumption. You’re Hoarding your Surplus Resources because you don’t Trust others and you are really fighting your Scarcity Mindset of “I don’t have enough to Share.”
Sharing and Giving trains your Subconscious Mind that “You have so much in Abundance that you can give away your Surplus.”
The Law of Nature that people don’t know is that “No Man with Consumption will ever be rewarded with Abundance.”
What you need to do is “Fix your Consumption” so you can receive Abundance.
To say I have a Surplus in Wisdom is an understatement. I just came off of The Pilgrimage of The Asha Journey, which included 4+ Years of Poverty, Loss, Starvation.
Learning to be Ethical when you have everything isn’t learning to be Ethical at all.
If you truly seek Ethics, you must learn how to be Ethical when you have nothing at all.
Which is why The Buddha sought Poverty and why “It is not possible for a rich man to enter into Heaven”
Heaven and Nirvana means “A State of The Gods,” which is “To Be Ethical, Knowledgeable, and Wise.”
So “It is not possible for a Rich Man to Learn, Discover, or Understand what it is to be Ethical.”
Only a Poor Man may Discover The Ethics… and then he can become Wealthy in Ethics first, and then Wealthy in Money.
This Truth and Ethic is so deeply ingrained in us — on an Ethical Intuitive Level — that each and every one of us knows it.
We especially know it — Instinctively — when we have Consumption and thus, we Pursue it.
The Pursuit of Heaven is the Pursuit of Ethical Knowledge, Wisdom, and Spiritual Wealth. Unfortunately, too many people — Ignorant people — are too uneducated to understand that they have to Learn to obtain this Fruit.
Fewer still will actually do it.