At some point, someone said something to you and that was the moment when YOU, your Subconscious Mind, betrayed YOU, your Conscious Awareness.
This is officially the Disintegration of the Self.
The Betrayal is INTERNAL. Which is why you FEEL betrayed.
It is the Emotion of “You betrayed me” that your Subconscious Mind is sending to you.
It is the Emotion of “You Abandoned me” that your Subconscious Mind is sending to you.
It is the Emotion of “You Chose them over me” that your Subconscious Mind is sending to you.
It is the Emotion of “You don’t Love me” that your Subconscious Mind is sending to you.
It is the Emotion of “You don’t Accept me” that your Subconscious Mind is sending to you.
The Subconscious Mind WANTED the Conscious Awareness TO FIGHT FOR IT!
It losese the SELF, it breaks away from the self…
AND it needs THE GROUNDING from the Conscious aWARENESS
To say “you stay with me.”
“Stay with me!”
“Don’t leave me”
YOU MUST BE UNANIMOUS WITH THE SELF! No matter what happens, no matter what. YOU MUST BE UNANIMOUS.