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Trigonometry = The Science of Measuring Triangles
Mathematics Demystified
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Words are a Compound built off of Prefix and Suffix. They are formed from the Physics of Frequency, Math, and Sound.

This Balance is then assigned a Logical Sound that represents the Meaning. 

Once born/created, the Word remains unchanged always. The Energy that birthed the Word remains intact (Look at the Rice Experiment for Visual Proof of this). 

The only time a word changes is when an Illiterate Abuser manipulates the Words to psychologically control others.

Word Warfare is what I call this. And it is the #1 Weapon of Narcissism.

Word Warfare weaponizes Story, Logic, and Comprehension. 

This Word Warfare is highly dangerous and highly aggressive. It targets the people and is a form of Psychological Terrorism.

There are three very distinct times in our History where Word Warfare is utilized :

Word Warfare in 1st Century BCE to 4th Century CE when The Roman Empire/Holy Roman Empire eliminated the Greek Language — because they believed The Greek Language was Prophetic, which is one of the reasons why they used Latin to eliminate the usage of Greek — The Persian Language for The Latin Language.

New Languages came into existence at this time and Ancient Persian was wiped clean from all History Books in Western Culture.

World Warfare in the 15th and 16th Centuries CE.

After the Invention of The Printing Press (1439 CE) and then Tyndale’s uprising to translate the Bible into English (1526 CE), shit hit the proverbial fan when people got to see just how much the Church had lied.

This led to countless works and revolutions like DaVinci, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Machiavelli, King Henry The VIII and his… halabaloo, Martin Luther, and then Milton. It was at this time that King John — desperate to regain Control of the People — turned to John Filmer — inventor of the word “Patriarchy” which could be translated simply as “Loyalty to The Father,” which gave us the word “Patriot.” Between Filmer, Thomas Hobbes, and King James recommissioning a Reformat on The Bible and The English Language — Hence “The Reformation” — The English Language saw a lot of new Words manufactured in the 15th and 16th Century all of which revolved around establishing stronger control over the people.

A lot of Old Words were changed 180 degrees in Definition, literally suddenly meaning the exact opposite of what they actually meant in their Etymological Definition… Which is why Philosophers always refer to the Word Origin (Etymology) for the True Definition so as to identify where Manipulation occurred.

As I said, shit went down in The 15th and 16th Century.

We see Word Warfare hit again in 1995 to 2005 to Present Day, after the invention of The Internet. 

It was around 2005, that people began to spread the Lie, “Words change.” As a writer since 1988, I personally bore witness to this evolution that greatly affected the Writing World.

Prior to 2005, Words had always been the same. The Dictionary was not contested. Etymological Definition matched the Modern Usage. 

It was the Internet that required the sudden birth of The Urban Dictionary. 

A decade later, The Modern Dictionary was changing to adopt to the Urban Dictionary, which was no longer being kept separate. 

Pre- “Muggle” days, The Dictionary was untouched and sacred to Writers. Post- “Muggle” days, The Dictionary very much reflected the Narcissist Contaminations that match the changes seen in the 15th and 16th Century and also the 4th Century. 

Authors know that Words don’t change. That is why we have Dictionaries and why we spend weeks agonizing over a single word usage. Because words don’t change. 

But Word Warfare will have you think they do.

How does this affect you? 

Words are Logic and Math. You alter Words and you alter Logic and Math. It is how and why Scientists, Authors, and Logicians, Taxonomists, and Mathematicians are obsessed with the Precision of Words.

Science doesn’t lie for Logic is the Science of Truth and all Science is Built on the Origin of Logic. Hence “-Logy” in the Name of Most Sciences. 

A Logician knows.

You want to confuse an enemy? Change the Definition of Words. Nothing annihilates Societal Organization more. It’s The Tower of Babble Method in Modern Day Practice.

See just how easily you can tear down anything if you just weaponize the words?

A Logician — The Science of Truth and Lies — is a Master at identifying these things.