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Trigonometry = The Science of Measuring Triangles
Mathematics Demystified
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The first Rule in Logic, Be Silent and Observe. Logic is Learning. It is the Order of Operations of Learning. You want to Learn how to Learn? This is it right here. 


Your life will only ever be as good or as poor in Quality as you decide it to be. Do so now. Do you want a Low Quality Life? Them don’t think about this Question. Do nothing. Learn nothing. Abandon any and all Standards. You will scrape the bottom. See just how low you can go.

There is no limit to how low a person can fall. This is all a result of not choosing or setting a Quality for your life. 

The Higher you define your Quality, the better your life will be. The better you will be. The happier and healthier you will be. The better Quality people you will attract. 

The Higher your Ethics will be. But you set this Standard high, and you also define the Quantity of Work you have to do. 

Teach this to your Children and this changes their Lives. I was fortunate enough to learn this from Two Masters — first at 15 years old, and again by 17 years old.

Master Musicians, Billionaires, Chef Ramsey… These are the people who received this lesson as children. 

You never sacrifice Quality. 


Quality is the first thing lost when you choose a bad teacher.


Silent Observation is where All Learning Because. You have chosen to be Quiet in Voice. You have chosen to be Quiet in Mind. You have chosen to Watch, to Trust your Subconscious Mind to Absorb. You have chosen to Listen to a Worthy Instructor. 

It is not possible to Talk and Listen or observe at the same time. You are either Open or Closed. Open (Logical Acceptance and Silent Observation) and Closed (Logical Rejection and Talking or Absence) are the only two Modes of a Human Being. Regulation is the Practiced Mastery of Discernment that allows you to determine when to Open and when to Close.


If you open your mouth at this stage, it is only to Ask a Question. Questions are for YOU to present your Thesis of Archeology, which will determine your Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.

Questions Launch The Scientific Method Process. They are for YOU to explore. If you have a Facilitator or Instructor, then asking “How” or “Why” under their Apprenticeship is when and where you should direct all Questions.

A Master Facilitator will teach you how to get the Answer to your Questions yourself and also, they will provide the correct SEQUENCE so you should not be asking relevant Questions, which will be all answered when you read and study the material yourself. 

A Master Facilitator will tell you that Questions WILL come up during the Lesson. That when the Questions come up during the Lesson, it is the process of learning and it is a sign that you are Learning. 

But that Problem Solving is really The Science of Question Answering. So a Master Fascilitator will tell you to not ask your Questions to the Sage, but rather embrace the Archeologist, go Study, Research, and Dig. Use Scientific Method to Discover your Answers on your own. 

Use Questions as Divining Rods through the Journey toward the Truth.

But utilize Mathematics and Logic to assess the Quality of Material and Resources you require to locate your Answers.

A Bad Teacher will just answer your Questions.

A Sage is a smartass who uses Socratic Method to answer your Questions with more Questions in an attempt to piss you off enough to just go look for your own Questions on your own, because the Sage knows that Anger is the Emotion of Change and Momentum required for Growth. 😉

A Bad Teachers uses Questions and the Student’s Ignorance as Nourishment for the Teacher’s Ego to gain attention… which is why they stand at the Front of the class room and never in the back where True Leaders stand.

Would it make me a bad teacher to hand you the link here to Socratic Method? Or should you take the initiative yourself to Google “Socratic Method” so that you practice your own Discernment to assess a good source for Socratic Method? 

If I give you the link to Socratic Method, is this enabling you? Or is it empowering you when I leave you in a position that forces you to practice Googling and Hunting and Looking for your own answers?

This is Wisdom Archeology.

If you do take the Initiative, you would then actually be putting this lesson into Practical Practice. 

Now you are Learning through Applied Practiced Action… If you took the Initiative.


Learn this word. The Etymological Definition. Master this word. For this is the Truth and Logic behind all Independence, Learning, Prosperity, Success, and Problem Solving. 

This is the Only Real Lesson all Students are actually studying in all of Learning. 

Use Logic, Math, and Physics to accomplish Initiative. Those who fail to learn Initiative, fail at everything. Those who succeed at everything, master Initiative.


The Student’s earned PRIVILEGE to open their mouth in a Classroom. 

No Student who has not Studied Logical Proof has the Privilege of talking in a Classroom.

Until you learn Logic with Formal Argument and Debate, no Student in Plato’s Classroom was permitted to speak.

Observe. Listen. Socratic Method. If you want to leave this Student Position, there is only two ways : Master Formal Argument and Debate or Leave.

Your Questions are not for the Master’s benefit. They certainly are not for the Philosopher or Sage’s Benefits. They are only for Yours… I will remind you that this is YOUR Learning Journey of The Discovered Self. 

For The Sage has already completed theirs. The Initiative, The Journey, The Archeology, is all Your Agenda. Not the Sage’s.

The Arrogant Student is no Student at all. The Sage knows this. And the Sage is wise enough to not answer questions. Hence, the Invention of Socratic Method.

Initiative is The Lesson.

These are the words you must learn : 

  1. Premise
  2. Fallacy
  3. Proof
  4. Faith
  5. False Premise
  6. Hypothesis
  7. Theory
  8. Conclusion
  9. Sound Conclusion
  10. Unsound Conclusion
  11. Argument
  12. Formal Argument
  13. Debate