Course Content
Pythagorean Psychology (Work In Progress)
Integrated Mathematics (Work In Progress)
Ethical Law and Natural Order + Power Economics (Work In Progress)
The Universal Clock (Plato’s Astrology and The Esoteric Sciences)
Triadic Healing Part #5 : Jediology
About Lesson

Society and History are both Sequences like Rivers of Time that flow. So is your Family. 

When you are born, you have Three Rivers of Time — Sequences — that have been going on long before you, and that will go on long after you. 

Your mission, while you are here on this planet, is simple : To step into that Sequence called “A Story,” and to smoothly position yourself where you want to be doing what you want to do with the people you want to do it with in the Societal Story Sequence, the Historical Story Sequence, the Family Story Sequence. 

You have to know how to step in smoothly, insert yourself into the Story, and then flow with the Story. 

You do this properly, and life is Grand. You do this poorly or not at all and your life will be shit and Garbage. 

Before you step, ask yourself if you want Grand or Garbage. Because Education and Schooling is all about you preparing where and how to step and submerge yourself into these Three Story Sequences effectively. 

This is called Story Surfing. And either you are a Master at it or you are not, but this is a Learned Skill. 

This is what Storytelling and Story Science is all about. This is Logic.