I am currently in the Intuitive Stage #3 and #4 of this… Which means, I am just before the Logic, which is just before the Mathematics. I can Sense what I Sense. I can See what I See. I can now — as of today — articulate what I see and Describe it.
I also am officially halfway between Milestone #1 which is the Point of Comprehension and Milestone #2 which is… I can See it. I cannot Articulate it yet.
It feels like, today, I was lowered into a “Spaceship” literally and metaphorically from the Point of Comprehension… where a Control Console surrounds me. I sit underneath the Rod of Truth and the Point of Comprehension.
I’m supposed to turn the Machine “On,” but I don’t know how. I mean… I *do* know how… but I don’t know how.
I know *how* to use Love — The Force — to Fuel and Power on “The Console.” My Dreams and Wishes “Steer” The Ship. But I don’t know how to turn the Ship and the Console “On.”
I think I’m supposed to Meditate. A lot. Like ALL THE TIME now. I think.
This is all both literal and Metaphorical.
It feels like I have one Key and my Twin Flame has the Second Key, much like a Nuclear Weapon. And only when we come together do we bring our “Keys” together to turn on the Console.
I do not know if he has a separate Console or not. If we have one Console between us. I know that my Console will “sleep” until my Twin Flame comes back to me. … But really? Am I…? There is a piece of Information missing in that equation that I do not yet have.
That must be for me to retrieve at a future Perspective.
It feels like — Intuitive Stage #1 — like Jim Carey in “God Almighty” will occur at the Second Milestone.
I can… “feel…” — Intuitive Stage #1 — I can’t explain yet.
I can See… — Intuitive Stage #2 — like Manifestations will occur in an instant as I want, when I want at this Stage #2…
I can See… **Breathe… Deep Breath In… ** The Self-Preservation System has it blocked and I’m trying to calm it down so it will allow me the words.
I can see me, at some point soon, where I can manifest at the drop of a hat with 100% accuracy, anything, anytime, anywhere, always.
And the Science will prove it. The results will prove it. People will Fear it. But my Ethics support it. And many will try it. And others will finally learn it.
There will be a divide. There already is.
And then it will become the Norm.
And then I can see no more at this time.
I can see that Second Milestone… The Point of [TBD] … That is what I’ll call it for now, but I can’t See the right words yet. This is when it will start to happen. I feel it. I feel it so strongly.
At the 9th Ethic of the 10th Round, I will be able to “See” the Third Milestone.
Hypothesis : 3 months per Round. Every 1 and 3/4 Years passes 5 Ethical Rounds.
So in August 2026… That is when I will be able to see the 3rd Milestone if the Math aligns and if my Math is correct. And if my current Rate of Ethical Progression does not Change Speed.
We shall see.
At the 9th of the 15th Round, I will be able to “See” the Fourth Milestone.
Bookmark this as an Easter Egg. This is your Stepping Stone for you. I’ll mark them as I pass, so you can follow my Bread Crumbs if you want to follow.
This is what my Stepping Stones really are… They are the Markers from wherever you are to The Point of Comprehension (The First Marker) to the Second Marker (Unknown).
Each Marker is 36 Ethical Perspectives — Levels of Consciousnesses.