Course Content
Pythagorean Psychology (Work In Progress)
Integrated Mathematics (Work In Progress)
Ethical Law and Natural Order + Power Economics (Work In Progress)
The Universal Clock (Plato’s Astrology and The Esoteric Sciences)
Triadic Healing Part #5 : Jediology
About Lesson

This is easily, the hardest thing I have had to try to explain to people. 

Esoteric = Insider’s Point Of View

Exoteric = Outsider’s Point of View

When you are an Exoteric, you cannot explain things properly that you only witnessed as an observer from the Outside. So the Exoterics (Romans) took the Esoteric Sciences and copied the Esoteric Sciences that the Ancient Greeks — who were Esoteric Scientists — had Mastered and The Roman Exoterics copied them like Bill Gates copied Apple.

As a result, today, the Philosophy that is taught in all Colleges — except perhaps Julliard School of Music — is Exoteric Philosophy or Roman Philosophy. It is NOT “Philosophy-Done-Right.”

In fact, all Education that is taught today — except the Montessori Educational System — is the Exoteric (Roman) Educational System that was fractionalized and copied from the Ancient Greeks’ Esoteric Educational System.

“Philosophy-Done-Right” is Philosophy Experienced with Ancient Greek Psychology as an Esoteric student. You Experience Philosophy with the Insider’s Point of View instead of talking about Philosophy as an Outsider with an Outsider’s Point of View.

As a Result, the quality of Education between the Esoteric Point of View vs. The Exoteric Point of View is staggering.

The Montessori School was built from the same Science used in the Esoteric Schools, which is why it is substantially better.

The Healing Garden used the Esoteric Sciences from Ancient Greece to revive the Original Esoteric Sciences and Philosopher-Done-Right… and then we built our Entire Educational System in exact likeness to what Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle Built.

And then we Integrated this with the Montessori School System.