Course Content
Pythagorean Psychology (Work In Progress)
Integrated Mathematics (Work In Progress)
Ethical Law and Natural Order + Power Economics (Work In Progress)
The Universal Clock (Plato’s Astrology and The Esoteric Sciences)
Triadic Healing Part #5 : Jediology
About Lesson

Ancient Greek reverses it’s words due to the Influence of Arabia, which reads “Right to Left.” 

Furthermore, Ancient Greek is a boustrophedon Language, which means it reads both, right to left and then left to right  reading is This .sentence this with do to going now am I which boustrophedon style, which allows your eyes to end up          next the read to order in be to them need you where right sentence with greater ease. Cool huh?

If you do not know about boustrophedon language, then you can easily mistranslate Green Words like Philosophy or Philology, which are both Mistranslated, leading to Logical Fallacy. 

Only a Master in Logic would notice this.

The more you Master Logic, the More Logical Fallacy you will see in this world. The more “The Masters” will appear as illogical idiots… 

Like those who mistranslated Philosophy and Philology. 

So let us properly translate these Ancient Greek Words using boustrophedon Language.

Logos = Word

Sophie = Pure (Arabic)

Phile = Love

-Logy = Logic of

Pluvio = Rain 

Ailuros = Cat

Science = Study Of

Bio = Life

Biblio = Books




Lover of Rain = Pluviophile 

Lover of Cats = Ailurosphile 

Lover of Books = Bibliophile

Logic of Life = Biology

Lover of Wisdom = sophiphile, but WAIT! They DON’T call it “Sophiphile.”

Then what does “Philosophy” really mean? 

Philo = Love

Sophy = Pure (Arabic)

Philosophy means “Pure Love,” which is exactly what The Science of Philosophy really is. It is the Science of Pure Love. Pythagorean could not have given this a more fitting name. 

But, only the Student who reaches Jediology discovers this.

Philology then means “The Logic of Love.” 

But they call it “The Science of Words.” Ironic how Philologists are too ignorant of their own Science to even name Philology correctly, which really brings into account their own levels of incompetence. 

The true name of Philology would be Logosology, which means “The Logic of Word.” 

Which means the name “Logosology” is officially available for the Science and Logic of Word and Story and “Philology,” technically is the True name of Philosophy in Greek. 😉 

Welcome to Jediology.