Course Content
Pythagorean Psychology (Work In Progress)
Integrated Mathematics (Work In Progress)
Ethical Law and Natural Order + Power Economics (Work In Progress)
The Universal Clock (Plato’s Astrology and The Esoteric Sciences)
Triadic Healing Part #5 : Jediology
About Lesson

I see Education spread. I see Education and Knowledge, like a Light and a Beacon, pick us all up and carry us all. 

On Knowledge and Truth, we all rise up. Each of us seeing where Truth is, where each of us are, and how all of us together compose a beautiful Harmony all on the same Knowledge. 

And I see the Philosophers nourishing The World through The Healing Garden. Steering the World onward with Knowledge, Wisdom-Love, and Nourishment. 

Wisdom, Knowledge, Education… Without these treasures…

We have 2,000 years of Evidence to serve as testament to what The World looks like under the Rule of Ignorance. 

May we never again know such Dark and Horrific times as those.