This was not an easy topic for me to write about due to the Exoteric Views that are abundant.
Plato had Astrology on his Curriculum right after Astronomy, which was “The Metric of the Stars” whereas Astrology was “The Logic of The Stars.” It was a Compass and a Map, which were required to build The Universal Clock and also how to read it…
And it succeeded Logic +> Mathematics/Algebra +> Calculus +> Trigonometry +> Astronomy +> Astrology +> The Universal Clock +> Clock Reading (Divination)
I had studied the Tarot a while ago, but then — since that time — studied Ancient Mesopotamia’s Religion. Today, I spotted references to Ancient Mesopotamia that Exoterics missed. To an Esoteric, I could not at all ignore what I saw.
The High Priestess and her “horns” were reference to the Horns of The Bull with Sin, The Moon Goddess, just to name a few… I had to dive much deeper.
After two cards, I realized I had to write down my findings in a Course.
I do not — will not — place this in my Research under because this is just my Logical Deduction based on Historical Data I accumulated and does not draw on Physics, Chemistry, or Biology.
If — however — this changes or I come upon substantial, undeniable Science Data, then I will be converting this information over to my Research Web Page.
In the meantime, enjoy.