Triadic Healing Part #5 : Jediology
About Course
Jediology? Really?
When you have Naming Rights and you are a Nerd who has discovered over 7 New Academic Disciplines and 4 Academic Cradles, then you get to Name it whatever the hell you want. And no name was more appropriate for this Academic Cradle than “Jediology.”
Finding a Name for this Science was the hardest challenges in all of my Nomenclature. Nothing even began to explain the Depth, the Honor, the Sacred Science of Law, Truth, Love, and Logic.
Nothing came close.
The Naming of Jediology was brutal and painstaking. It underwent so many variations; each one a fraction of the Science, each fraction failing to capture The Grandeur or The Scope of what this Science is.
Jediology came to me on a Sunday morning on 13 October 2024. I was experiencing the Emo-Existential Macabre Brooding known only to Philosophers and accomplished Authors/Artists.
I was on the phone with my dear friend, Dan, who would soon be known as the Contributing Sith Lord of Jediology, when it finally hit. What I had here could only ever be summarized — and quite honorably so — as The Logic and Science of The Jedi.
On every single point, this Name checked off a massive Discipline I had uncovered.
Pythagorean Psychology, Integrated Mathematics, Power Economics, Emotional Transactions of Human Connection, The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution, Progression, Prosperity, Love, Logic, Science, Education, Parenting, Truth, Honor, Loyalty, Ethical Law and Natural Order, Wisdom, Story and Storytelling.
The Knights of The Round Table are part of this.
The Knight Templars are part of this.
The Zarathustra and Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates, they are part of this.
Eanna and Anu, Inanna/Ishtar and Angalta, Lugh, they are all part of this.
The Rod of Caduceus is part of this.
The Druids are part of this.
The Irish Bards and Fili are part of this.
Cyrus the Great and Confucius is part of this.
The Buddha and Muhammed, Jesus Christ, they too are part of this.
DaVinci, Douglas Adams, Cervantes, and Nietzsche is part of this.
2001 : A Space Oddysey is part of this.
The Fibbonnaci Sequence is part of this.
Each one, a Fractal of the Bigger Picture.
I have no doubt, many will flock to this Science, but very few will have what it takes to make it. As fun as the name is — as much as Every Nerd will desire this Science — This is a Discipline that is buried at the End of Philosophy, which, I hypothesize, is truly only The Beginning of a Greater Science.
One must pass through The 12 Trials of Hercules, The Pilgrimage, and the 36 Levels of Consciousness. You must Master all 18 of the Academic Disciplines, and go on to Master the 4 Academic Cradles. This is the Road of The Ashavana, The Knight of The 12 Ethics, and The life of the Logician.
You must reach the Point of Comprehension and then grow on to the 5th Round of Comprehension.
It is somewhere between the 48th and 60th Levels of Ethical Consciousness — well past the Point of Humor — that Jediology is reached.
This Science is the Fourth Stage of Ancient Greek Philosophy.
The Student must fully abandon the Roman Educational System, which only brainwashes Students to Memorize, Observe, and Obey.
Jediology is the Discipline of Experiencing through Integrated Tuition, Practiced Practical Application, and Deductive Reasoning in Application with Mental Diversification : The Skills my Master, Plato, taught me, which led to the Science of Reverse Engineering Academic Disciplines.
The 6 Stages of Logic are mandatory for Study as well as the 3 Previous Philosophical Disciplines and the 18 Academic Disciplines.
Only then can one study Jediology like a Greek.
Philosophy is to be Experienced. Only ever Experienced and is The Cradle for all The Disciplines, greater than this only is Logic.
I will not be teaching these Courses. I will only be providing the Path. You choose to walk it. Learn how to Measure your Knowledge. Otherwise, you will remain Ignorant and thus, become vulnerable to Arrogance.
“(Work In Progress)” is marked on the lessons that have not yet been written. I will get to them when the Science leads me to that Branch of my Tree of Life. I believe it is safe to say that now. It has been on my mind for a long while. I know it know. The Logic is irrefutable.