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About Lesson

You do not speak One Language. 

You are currently speaking : English… And

  • Art, Story, Science
  • Vocation
  • Ethics
  • Region
  • Skill Level

— I just got DeJavu —

  • Quality
  • Societal Role
  • Logic, Math, Physics

You are NOT speaking “One Language.”

You are always speaking, at least 8 all at the same time.

I speak these 8 PLUS All The Academic Disciplines at the same time. 

Communication Science is VITAL to our Society, Health, and Prosperity. To not be able to speak our Feelings, Thoughts, or Name leads to — and is — the definition of “Insanity. To be without Logic or Reasoning.”

Rhetoric is Insanity for it is Without Reasoning. I do not engage with Rhetoric for it is Insane.


I advise you to do the same to protect your Logic.

The 12 Ethics are inside of you RIGHT NOW. They are what dictate your Guilt, Disgust, Shame, and Embarrassment and 100% of all your Emotions.

The 12 Ethics are what dictate your Health. Your Freedom.

The 12 Ethics dictate 100% of your Emotions. They remain Undiscovered and thus Unknown to you.

The Ashavana Scientific Method is inside of you RIGHT NOW. It is what dictates your Information Center in your System.

The Ashavana Scientific Method is what dictates your Data. Your Truth.

The Academic Disciplines are inside of you RIGHT NOW. They are what dictate your Intuition, Your Logic, Your Order, Your Comprehension.

The Academic Disciplines are what dictate your Knowledge. Your Nourishment.


Do you understand what I am saying to you?

The 12 Ethics are what dictate your Health. Your Freedom.

The Ashavana Scientific Method is what dictates your Data. Your Truth.

The Academic Disciplines are what dictate your Knowledge. Your Nourishment.


This is really important. Your Health and Life depends on it.


Learning is THE DISCOVERY of these INSIDE of you. You are UNLOCKING them. 

Beautiful, Gorgeous Mother Nature installed a REAL LIFE RPG OPEN WORLD GAME inside of our BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM. 

How cool is that!?

You Explore. You Adventure. You Unlock. You Level Up.

You QUEST. You Discover. 



If you don’t learn, You don’t understand YOUR SELF.