How To Be Kind : A Simple Course To Kindness (Recovering From Weaponized Humility)
About Lesson

Arrogance is the refusal to Learn. 

Arrogance is the refusal to be a Student. 

Humble is the Acceptance and Submission to Learning.

Humility is coming into the Awareness of needing to Learn.

Opinions formed without Truth trap you in Consumption, Abuse, and Slavery. 

Opinions formed with Truth, are Hypothesis grounded in Logic, Math, and Physics. 

Opinions are the death of Learning and Growth. 

Learning is Synonymous with Growth.


From Your Abuser


Self-Knowing is what they called “Arrogance.”

Obedience is what they called “Humble” or “Humility.

“Truth” is what the defined as “Opinion” or “Their Belief” without Logic.

“Friend” is what they call Abusers.

“Trust me” is what they say to brainwash you into Obedience.

“Submission” and “Obedience” is what they call “Love.”