How To Be Kind : A Simple Course To Kindness (Recovering From Weaponized Humility)
About Lesson

Abusers are Victims. Victims are Abusers-In-Training. 

Empaths are Narcissists. Narcissists are Empaths in the Last Stage of Transformation.

Abuse is Abuser School.

If you were Abused, you have undergone “Abuser School.” 

There are three Stages of Abuser Transformation. 

  • Apprentice. You save others. You can’t help it. You never need help. You are 100% Independent, but you “need” to save others. 
  • Tradesmen. You save others and you need saving. You have stopped Learning. You are both Abuser and Victim.
  • Master. You need saving. All the time. Or you need to save others. And you believe that, without you, they won’t survive. You shut down any concept of being wrong or needing to Learning. Learning = Vulnerability, and that is “weakness.” 

Most children are abused as children. And we’re not talking about this. 


Our culture trains Adults to bully Children just for being Children.

  • We ignore children who cry.
  • We gaslight objections from teens.
  • We punish children for speaking
  • We punish children for setting boundaries
  • We accuse children of lying when they speak Truth
  • We are invalidated for being young, naive, or uneducated
  • We are told to “Grow up”
  • We are mocked for our Dreams

Adults are assholes.

And then, Adults walk around with this belief that “I’m an adult now so no one can tell me what to do!” 

Which creates a belief that an Adult can say whatever they want and no one should correct them. 

So they justify their false information with, “That’s my Opinion.”

Our Adult Parents have turned our Adult children into arrogant, unlearning uneducated, know-it-alls, who are too arrogant to admit that they need to learn or that they were wrong. 

And there is no healing that can be done until and unless you face-off with this part of your Mind. 

You vs. Your self-Preservation that believes “If I submit to Error and Learning, I will be vulnerable like the Child I was when they abused me, and I will not go back to that.” 

Well then… Now we have a problem. 

Because Victim or not, Victims are wrong. 

Because if Victims were right, then they would be healed, happy, and wealthy.

The question is, what is your priority? 

Being Safe and Wrong and Miserable? 

Being Courageous and Submitting to Learning and Vulnerability and Growth? 

You cannot have both. 

This is all about YOU facing your Self-Preservation who associates Safety with Your Ego.

If you do not get through this dialogue with yourself, if you do not strip your Self down to pure Self-Honesty and submission, you will not heal. 

And you’re going down with the ship.