Hope Threads For Suicidal Ideation
About Lesson

1 – Autonomy is the Skill “Making a Decision and Not Questioning it.” It is 100% Volition. 100% Conviction. And it is never doubting that Conviction. 

2 – It is the de-throning all others from their Pedestals of Power and then you deciding who should have Authority. 

3 – See the world in Black and White. In this stage, down here, you will need to. The worst of abusers mask their abuse to look like love.

4 – Trust no one. Not yet. Not until you learn the Skill Discernment (We cover that one too).

Trust you. That is what you do. Trust you. Protect your Trust. Save your precious Trust only for those how deserve it. In this course, we teach you how.

You are your best friend. Here, beneath the Pedestal of Power, you are your only friend. 

What I am going to give you is your Provision Pack. It has everything you need to get yourself out of the Darkness. 

Now, you have got to practice everything we give you in your Provision Pack (we teach you how), and then, when you get out, we will get you to the next stage.

Operation : Safety

That is what this is. Operation : Safety. Once you complete “Operation : Safety” we’ll get you to The Beacon. 

That will be Operation : Beacon

Operation : Safety is first. And it may take you a while. It all depends on you. It depends on you staying focused on you. It’s all about you building your Life Skills. The ones you need to get you to Operation : Beacon.

And that is what we will be covering with you. The What you need to do. The Where you are going. The How to do it. The Why you are doing it. And the Strategy to get you through. 

I am going to give you the Manual of your Abuser’s Subconscious Mind and also, the Manual for yours. 

Rule #1 – Self-Regulate. This is a marathon. You are training for a marathon. Sleep in the mud. Armor up in war zone. Always Stand. And if you can’t, then sleep in the mud for tomorrow we stand.