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Is it Enough?

I ask this question every day of my life.

Is it enough that I lived under Domesticated Enslavement so hidden in the culture that the perpetrators don’t even know they are slave owners and the slaves don’t even know they are slaves despite my wearing chains for six months and being subjected to forced breeding and torture and rapings on 9/11?

Is it enough that I had to spend 40 years of my life devouring books of Philosophy and Physics for answers to outmaneuver and out think first my Owners and then My own Mind?

Is It enough that I sought out therapy in 2015 only to be told “You should be dead” by Psychologists who should have known better than to say to someone who they diagnosed with Suicidal Ideation?

Is it enough that I published the horror and hell of my story so that others may see the Invisible Enslavement that took me 42 years for myself to see?

Is it enough that the Mental Health System did more to hinder me, devalue me, belittle me while I battled my own Mind to be free?

Is it enough that, upon realizing the System was designed to not help me, but to drain me of financial resources, that I had to use my 30+ years of knowledge to find my own way out of my mind?

Is it enough that I published my story live on YouTube to show others “THIS is what Healing REALLY looks like! Don’t let them lie to you and tell you it’s NOT like this? Don’t let them tell you that it “takes 20 years to a lifetime!”

Is it enough that I Mastered the world of The Abstract and accomplished a third escape from Slavery to Mental Health to Language Barrier?

Is it enough that I invented a new language just so that I could learn to speak and explain what life inside Mental Illness was really like?

Is it enough that I witnessed the Mental Health Stigma vanish as my Language skills improved with my healing? That was the year that I saw the Truth.

Is it enough that I turned my story into a Healing Journey for others that they too might find their way?

Is it enough that I invented the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind allowing all of my Education and knowledge in Physics, Math, and Logic to come back to me so that I can communicate to others all that I know?

Is it enough that I built The Healing Garden, Alexandria, and PANDO to be used as tools, Masterclasses, Courses, Networking, and The Healing Engine to propel The Radical Global Healing Plan forward through our society?

Is it enough that I not rest, pushing my work through every day, telling others and sharing with them my story, Inspire, Educate, Direct, Invite them… over and over again?

Is it enough? Can I rest now? Or is there one more article I could write?

Is it enough or is there one more person I could reach out to before this night is done?

When will it be enough so that I can say to myself, “I have done enough. I can rest now?”

Is it enough or is this article the straw that perhaps breaks the camel’s back?

How do you say to the world, “While you’re all talking about problems, possible solutions, and diagnostics on the Mental Health Crisis, I figured out the problem long ago. I lived it from the inside. All the “solutions” and “remedies” professionals thought up, were obstacles they placed in my road.”

How do you say to the world that, “I come to you, not as a “Mental Health Care professional,” but as a Mentally Ill patient first misdiagnosed, then diagnosed, “Incurable,” now diagnosed, “Impossible.” I’ve been all the way through Mental Illness, on to the other side, and back again. I’ve experienced every aspect of “The System” meant to “help” me.

How do you say to the world that you are the only one who has come back from “Insanity” with the Language skills to tell what I saw along the way?

From the ground level in chains under the boots of White Men, to be used, bred, and whored for their gain.

I’ve been through The System that confessed it couldn’t save me, and told me I should be dead.

I’ve been through The System too recovered to “go back” to The System that broke me and bled me and used me.

I’ve been through The depths of the Abstract, inside every Subconscious Mind. I mastered your world, then I mastered mine. All I wanted was to “fit in.”

“Who wants to be normal?” Professionals argued with me, ignoring what really was said.


“You’ll have this all of your life,” they told me.

“Fuck that,” I told them instead.

“If you can’t help me, then get out of my way. If you don’t know then say you don’t know. For I know things about the Mind that no one else ever has known, for my Multiple Personalities allowed me to see the world in 1st and 2nd while in 3rd.”

“Your Imagination is Dissociation,” The Psychologists said to me.

So trusting their ignorance, I discarded my dreams increasing my need for their meds.

But Ontologists study Reality. And Ontologists study the Mind. Thank the gods that I’m an Ontologist or else, I’d probably be dead, doped up on meds instead. And what I learned in Metaphysics, from Plato and Socrates, the things they showed me allowed me to see what was happening inside of my head.

“Am I real?” sweet Joanna asked me the day that my Alter learned that I was real and not she. None of you know the heartbreak of holding your self in your arms while you explain to a broken piece of your Mind how very real this Alternate “Fiction” could be.

“Reality is not what we’re told. Reality is not what should be. Reality is all of the things that give Matter and Meaning to Life,” I told her and me. “You are as real as the dreams that we dreamed and as real as the children you bore. You are as real as the Material Plane, and as real as the Abstract Surreal.”

“I’m sorry,” she said to me, and I held her as I shook in my arms. “You loved me,” I said to me. “You did your very best. You used Mental Illness to save all of me. The Mental Illness was proof that you loved me. For every “disorder” that you bore was abuse you took in my stead.”

The world looks different after you hold your Self crying in your own arms.

The world looks different after you have to convince your Alter that she is Real.

I dare you to walk in my shoes.

Because when you hold your Self in your arms, this “Fiction” and Cloned mis-Identity, you suddenly understand what really matters in this world is Sentience and “Belief” not Material or Possession or “Real.”

Is it enough that I tell you my story?

Is it enough that I speak from my shoes?

How quiet must I scream to say to you all, “The Mentally Ill are more sane than you for they are the ones who can See the Insanity of this cold, stupid world. Didn’t you read Catch-22? And rather than change the madness we breed, we silence the Ones who can see.”

They see a world that is unseen. Their Truth is buried under lies. The Mentally Ill are the Pioneers of the Things that exist long before the Language is born to this world.

It isn’t an Illness, a Disability, or Madness.

It isn’t for you to judge.

Keep your damn Diagnoses off of me. Haven’t you heard of Mass Hysteria? If the Subconscious Mind thinks it, then the Mind it will make it. This is a Placebo Effect that can kill.

It’s the consequence of being told all your life that your Voice, your Dreams, your Feelings, your Mind, your Perspective, your Imagination are not “real.” It’s the consequence of being told all your life that your Reality just isn’t Real.

It’s time to silence the Professionals. It’s time to silence the Accusers. It’s time to silence the Loudest Know-Nothings and listen to the Silenced instead.

Are you disturbed yet? You should be. It’s Mental Health Awareness Month after all.

If you really want to change this world, it’s the Mentally Ill who you should be asking instead of excluding them all from your Think Tanks. Maybe you should find a way to Translate what we’re trying to say instead of diagnosing us with more Symptoms instead.

Maybe, you should ask someone who knows.

I am Anna Imagination. And 100% of everything you read here is true and happened to me and a lot more besides. I live on the Front Lines of The Healing Reformation where I have started my Radical Global Healing Plan.

In my Healing Cyber Convention (August 2024) hosted by The Healing Garden, I provide people with my Prosthetic Subconscious Mind so they can get access Triadic Healing, the same Program and steps I used to invent the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind that allowed me to save myself.

My work is backed by Logic, Math, Physics, Neuroscientists and Psychologists with the VA. If you are on the same Mission as I with the Healing Reformation: Reform to Transform, I invite you to contact me to learn more about The Radical Global Healing Plan, my Healing Engine, and The Healing Garden.

About Anna

Anna Imagination is a Story Book Character, Ontological Physicist, and Philosopher Bard who does Public Speaking, Seminars, Talks, Lectures, and Masterclasses on Mental Health, The New Age of Mental Health, and Trauma Recovery. She is the Founder of The Healing Garden and PANDO: The Healing Engine, and she works extensively on The Healing Reformation and in Societal Research with The Radical Global Healing Plan. She is Inventor of The Prosthetic Subconscious Mind (The AIDNS), The Philosopher’s Compass, and Triadic Healing. She is the Ambassador of The Abstract and is inventor of the Language Abstractic to help those who struggle with Mental Illness express themselves to Professionals.

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