Ethical Leaders and Pacifist Activists
About Lesson

This is a problem. Nothing attracts the Advantage-Seeking Abuser more than a position of Power or Authority.

Anywhere a Position is created for Power and Authority, Advantage-Seeking Abusers arrive by the bus loads to sign up. 

Education is our only saving grace on this one.


The more everyone learns about this Paradox and the actions required to put an end to it, the less of this we will see. But we MUST protect our People by protecting these Positions that do attract Advantage-Seeking Abusers.

Here is how : 

  • Learn as much as you can about The Advantage-Seeking Abuser. I have “Abuse Proof You” for this purpose.
  • Learn about the Ethics.
  • Have a Quality Control Officer on board.
  • Do not use “Power” or “Authority” Highlighted Marketing terms in our Business. 
  • Use Humbling Words and Meek words instead. This will immediately — IMMEDIATELY — weed out The Advantage-Seeking Abuser.
  • Do not use Job Titles that boast Power, Authority, or Expertise.
  • No one — NO ONE… Especially the Owner of The Business/Leader — is above The Ethics.
  • Use The 12 Ethics in your Job Posting to deter The Advantage-Seeking Abusers… and place STRONG emphasis on the 6th Ethic and the 11th Ethic : Equal Footing and Logic, which are the Enemies of The Advantage-Seeking Abuser.

I have a “thing” that I do that has proven to be very helpful for me, and I simply love it. I have one rule :

I am NOT allowed to call myself anything that someone else has not already called me. 100% of all my Titles are Gifts from Others. When I hire people into my Business, I tell them, “What do you want to be called?” And I let them choose their prestigious title, which they can put on their resume.

They know what they are and what they do. I cannot express to you the amount of joy I see from people at this freedom. To be allowed the Validation of their Worth just by choosing their Name. 

Positions that attract The Advantage-Seeking Abuser

  • Doctor
  • Attorney
  • Teacher
  • Psychologist
  • Politicians
  • Manager Positions

Any Position that offers “Leadership”