Art is purely the Science and Dissection of Detail.
This is what the Artist has selected to Master. Attention to Detail.
This Theoretical Comprehension of Training the Mind/Brain and the Eye and Imagination to notice Detail and to Master it is the difference between the Tradesmen and the Master.
Only the Master can clearly articulate How this is done.
Once the Theoretical Comprehension is achieved, does the Art skills excel in the Student.
Each Perspective, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous System, to Skin, and then Hair/Fur is a layer of Detail that the Student Masters.
It is in the Layer of Perspectives that these Details are learned, and the skill in recreating and depicting the Details is the Artist’s task.
Anyone who desires to Master the Skill of Detail and Perspective should take up Art.
Pair Art with Geometry (Language) and Biology (Science) for rounding out the Comprehension of The Mind and Study.