Anna’s Course For Anna
About Lesson

You will Follow the Ashavana Scientific Method for this.

  1. Feel
  2. Image
  3. Define
  4. Integrate
  5. Logic
  6. Math
  7. Physics

When you arrive at a New Perspective after an Expansion, what do you do?

It’s the Chaos. Everything is all over. I organize and order it. 


I Label and Define. 

This is why Children must learn to Clean up after themselves. They are learning how to make Order of Chaos.

Children who don’t learn this, experience Overwhelm as Adults.

Inventory Management

  1. Identify and Define
  2. Label and List Components
  3. After Three Components are found, you can Define Groupings
  4. Creating Groupings
  5. Common Denominators
  6. Put them in Order from Least to Greatest (Always Least to Greatest)
  7. Least to Greatest always comes before Greatest to Least

Then you Define and Summarize what you are looking at. You must build the Equation. This is just Inventory Management. 

Equation Integrity : Looking for Equation Components

The biggest challenge in this is preserving the Integrity of the Equation. In order to pull this off, you must be sure you have : 

  1. All the Relevant Components
  2. No Irrelevent Components
  3. Components in the right order from “Cause to Effect”
  4. Proper Grouping and Identified Common Denominators
  5. No “Anomalies”
  6. Harmonic (Y-Axis) Variables Separated from Melodic (X-Axis) Variables
  7. Checks and Balances done of Components

Integration of The Whole : Accurate Logical Calculation

The Integrity of the Calculation is vital to the Solution to be reached. without, the Solution will be incorrect. The Integrated Solution is the Origin Base Component for the next Harmonic Line, which allows the Process of Data Orientation to occur when Mining.

To accomplish this, you require the following skills in Mental Diversification : 

  1. Brain Stretching
  2. Radical Diversification
  3. Mental Diversity
  4. Reverse Engineering
  5. Sorting
  6. Grouping
  7. Identification
  8. Comparisons
  9. Ordering : Logical Melodic Sequencing
  10. Ordering : Logical Harmonic Sequencing
  11. Cleaning out your RAS
  12. Recalibration/Calibration
  13. Story Hopping
  14. Point of View Integration
  15. Esoteric vs Exoteric
  16. Perspective Shifting
  17. Geometry
  18. Mirror Direction : Projection vs. Internalizing
  19. Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response
  20. Focal Point Widening/Narrowing
  21. Integration
  22. Integrated Mathematics
  23. Atomic Health
  24. Triangulation
  25. Formula Construction
  26. Logical Proofs
  27. Using Math to Measure Logical Proofs
  28. Global Psychology