Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

This is a lot to take in. 

Pace yourself. Rest. 

Your Healing Garden Journey Plan is the Skeletal Frame Plan and layout of your Journey through the Radical Global Healing Plan. We have a lot of parts to Align, Balance, and Purge, but Triadic Healing Simplifies and breaks it all down for you. 

You have:

  1. Your Story Health
  2. Your Logical Health
  3. Your Community Health
  4. Your Life Stream
  5. Your Life Fruit Pursuit Happiness
  6. Your Life Fruit Pursuit Prosperity
  7. Your Life Fruit Pursuit Love
  8. Your Ethical IQ
  9. Your Logical IQ
  10. Your Financial IQ
  11. Your Communication IQ
  12. Your Comprehension of The Big Picture
  13. Your Energy Name
  14. Your Emotional Management, Regulation, and Discipline
  15. Your Skill Management, Regulation, and Discipline

The Agenda is to: 

  • Introduce you to your 5-Part Mental System
  • Learn the Roles of Each
  • Learn about the Cognitive Core and how to work with it
  • How to Integrate the 15 Parts above with your 5-Part Mental System.

If this seems like a lot, I will let you know, it is no more than you always ever had to do and know in your life. Only know, you have a precise walkthrough and plan with the knowing. 

What you do with this knowledge is your plan. 

This knowledge can be used to build a successful business, find true love where you are showing up as the best version of you, completing your pilgrimage in strategic Order and sequencing to accelerate your Healing and Pilgrimage, Execute and achieve your dreams, build wealth, obtain the three Life Fruits and life in abundance and joy. 

Simplify life and smooth out the road.

Your Plan is you deciding your Why. 

Why are you undertaking this journey? 

Where are you going or where do you want to go? 

If knowing these answers IS your Destination then Pursuit of Knowledge it is! 

Where are you Going?

What are you Pursuing? 

Why are you Pursuing it? 

What skills do you want to be good at?

We have the How and the When all laid out for you.  

Who you are is what you will discover along the way.


Over Day #2, Day #3, and Day #4 we will be building your Healing Journey Plan. 

Your Plan can change, quite easily, at any time. In fact, plan on it. The plan you build today will reflect who you are now. As you find pieces of you and Integrate you back into you, you will find more and your plan will change. 

Adopt the idea now that you are a Changeling. This mindset will do a lot to remove most (all) resistance to your changing and growth.