Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

Right now, I have the Following people in my care: 

  • Educator
  • Business Owner
  • Lightworker
  • Pilgrim
  • Visionary 

100% of The Healing Garden is designed for these people. Most people do related to multiple groupings. Some people may only identify as one. There is no “Right” or “Wrong” answer here because our Ethical Integrity is not in question 😉 

Words. Matter.

Being Incorrect does not at all bring into question your Ethical Integrity. Admitting that you wrong, denying that you are wrong does. 

Now, when you break down the Science of these Traits, many are redundant. Let’s do this again: 

  1. Educator & Lightworker (Parent and Healer)
  2. Business Owner/Entrepreneur
  3. Pilgrim (Self-Healing and Exploring and Philosopher)
  4. Visionary with a Mission and a Calling

These groups reflect the entire Spectrum of The Biological Learning Progression, save for one: The Unlearning Uneducated. I also put the Categories above in the correct order that they occur according to our Evolution. 

With the 12 Ethics, they look like: 

  1. Educator & Lightworker (Parent and Healer) 5th+ Ethic
  2. Business Owner/Entrepreneur 5th+ Ethic
  3. Pilgrim 6th+ Ethic
  4. Visionary with a Mission and a Calling 7th+ Ethic

After you learn of the 12 Ethics, you will realize, this line up should be: 

  1. Pilgrim 1st+ Ethic
  2. Business Owner/Entrepreneur 5th+ Ethic
  3. Visionary with a Mission and a Calling 7th+ Ethic
  4. Educator & Lightworker (Parent and Healer) 9th+ Ethic

But what is currently practiced in the Material Plane is: 

  1. Educator & Lightworker (Parent and Healer) 2nd+ Ethic
  2. Business Owner/Entrepreneur 5th+ Ethic
  3. Pilgrim 6th+ Ethic
  4. Visionary with a Mission and a Calling 7th+ Ethic

And that is the Problem. We have people with low to no Ethical IQ’s and Education in positions of Influence, weaponizing Lies and Fear and claiming that their Influence is:

  • Control
  • Authority
  • Power
  • Expertise

Logic and Physics proves this is incorrect.

Words. Matter. When you borrow a word from Physics, the Physics applies to that word. Thus “Power” and “Work” have a very precise Rule and Natural Law they follow.

So! Let’s get you your Grouping(s). You are free to choose as many as you want or need. The Education and Direction will be the Same for All. The Assignment and Focus, the Point of View is what will be changed for each. 

Pilgrims and Philosophers! I recommend joining all the Groups so you can see ALL the different Points of Views. Visionaries and Business Owners, I recommend the Same for you. In fact, the more Points of Views you gain, the more you will be able to Practice the Brain Stretching Skill, which is Mental Diversification.

So who are you? How do you Identify? 

  1. Educator & Lightworker (Parent and Healer)
  2. Business Owner/Entrepreneur
  3. Pilgrim (Self-Healing and Exploring and Philosopher)
  4. Visionary with a Mission and a Calling

Choose ONE of these Groups as your “Core” Base, and use the others for reference. If you want to master them all equally, then do it! This is YOUR Journey.

Now then! We are going to get you your Locations squared away so you are in the right Space! And then we are going to get you your Language and Your Healing Garden Journey Plan!