Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

The 12 Ethics each have their own Language. Each Perspective speaks differently.

Perspective Gaps is the breakdown of Communication between two Perspectives. A Person can only communicate with ease within their Perpendicular Perspective.

The Perpendicular Perspective is the Perspective immediately above and below an Ethic. (The 4th Ethic and 6th Ethic are the Perpendicular Perspectives of the 5th).

Any more than that, and Metaphor will be required to enter into the Conversation. 

Literal Conversation can only take place within one’s Own Perspective. Metaphorical Conversation is required between two Perspectives unless a Defined Truth is established. 

Only the Defined Truth will unite all 12 Ethics. … Which is how I know what the Truth is. Because I can speak all 12 Ethics and I can see the Common Denominators of all 12 Ethics.

My job is to tell the world what those Common Denominators of all the 12 Ethics are so we all integrate and unite under one language. That Language is Abstractic. The Truth Language.

Which is what you are learning in Triadic Healing. The Truth Language destroys The Liar’s Language, Purifies Logic, and removes Mental Illness and Abuse. 

The more you learn Abstractic, the more you will heal.

The Perspective Gap is why 4th’s do not understand 6th’s. Why 3rd’s struggle with 5th’s. 

Why 5 year old children can’t understand or relate to 3 year olds.

Most husband and wives fight because of the Ethical Perspective Gaps. It is very common for Traditional Marriages to consist of a 2nd Wife and a 3rd or 4th Husband. 

5ths usually marry 5ths if they marry AFTER they are 5ths. 

Many times, a 4th will marry a 2nd then become a 5th and the marriage falls apart. 

Marrying within your own Perspective is vital to the longevity of the marriage, but also, being aware of the Ethical Perspective Gap goes a long way to determine how much tolerance a Perspective will have for another who does not grow. 

The Authentic Perspectives 5th and Under who are Obstructed from the Learning Journey are averse to Growth and Learning. 

The Authentic Perspectives 5th and Over who are Obstructed from the Learning Journey are Passionate for Growth and Learning. Which is why the Individual who is an Authentic 6th Ethic, but who marries an Authentic 3rd will divorce the moment the Authentic 6th Ethic’s Self-Preservation Ethic reaches 5th Ethic or Higher. 

They will find the Lack of Growth, intolerable of the Foundational Perspectives, who will complain, “You’ve changed! You’re not the same person I married.” while the 5th+ will say, “You never change! You just don’t improve or get better!” 

Those who are 7th and higher are fine as the Foundational 6 Ethics and Values are stable enough that drastic Personality Changes are no longer a problem. 

Those who marry after 7th stay married.

Those who bond never end.