Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

There are three Ethical Perspectives inside of you. 

  • Your Authentic Ethic
  • Your Self-Preservation Ethic
  • Your Environmental Ethic

You are Healthy when these three Ethics are Aligned. 

Your Authentic Ethic is your True Ethic and is always 100% with Mother Nature and your Growth. 

The Self-Preservation Ethic and your Environmental Ethic both are what cause Mental Illness. The more these two Ethics contradict your Authentic Ethic, the more Mentally Ill you are. 

I call this your Perspective Combination or Combination Theory.

Have an Ethical Perspective that is 2 Perspectives misaligned is PAINFUL and your Emotions are going to be through the charts. You will be mis-calibrated and your ability to Ground yourself will be little to no skill. 

The only solution is removing the Invasive Perspectives, Upgrading your Ethical Environment, and Correcting the Logic in your Cognitive Core to remove the False Program inside your Cognitive Core.

Most people, instead, focus their Energy, attention, and time on Mindset, Meditation, Self-Care, and Chakra Stones, prolonging the problem, while ignoring the problem… Self-Care is like bailing water on the Titanic instead of repairing the boat. 

One Patron, upon coming into Triadic Healing put it nicely, “OMG! I’ve been fucking around with chakra stones and tarot cards, when I could have just done THIS!?”


When you are done with Triadic Healing, you ARE the Chakra Stone. Your Healing is all about Energy and Resource Efficiency.

  • I never meditate.
  • I do not do Self-Care.
  • I do not use Chakra Stones, track the stars, none of it.

What do I do?

  • I do clean out my Logical Code after talking with others.
  • I do Sharpen my Focal Point on my Heading every morning.
  • I do Triangulate my Position of Self twice a day.

That is it and it all is VERY low maintenance. 

Your Logical Mental Health is only about Your Logical Code being purified, your Discipline over your Mental Diversification Skills, Your ability to determine Logical Placeholders from Truth (Logic), and your ability to not have sentimental attachment to your Placeholders. 

Your Story Mental Health is all about you listening to Intuition, Empowering Identity, and you Pursuing your Name.

Your Community Mental Health is all about you Nourishing your Environment with the right people matched to your Authentic Ethical Perspective.

When I began this in 2020, my Combination was 6-3-4


In 2022, my Combination was 6-5-6

In April 2023, my Combination was 6-6-6

Only when your Combination is aligned will you grow on to the next Ethical Perspective. 

In short, your Identity Ethically grew, while your Self-Preservation/Subconscious Mind did not. (This results in PTSD).

Your job, if you are Healing, is to Ethically Grow your Subconscious Mind back into Alignment with your Identity.

Practicing the 12 Ethics is a Solid place to start. 

Correcting and Purifying your Logical Code is the Work that you will need to do. Logic determines your Self-Preservation’s Behavior. Master Logic, and you expedite your Healing. 

Read Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaardner

Use Khan Academy to study Logic. Study Geometry.


The Combination Theory, Your Perspective is YOUR business. NO ONE should ever talk about their Perspectives with others. YOU SHOULD NEVER tell ANYONE what their Perspective is. 

It is just a TOOL to help YOU track YOUR Healing so you can see what your Growth is. Your Perspective is PRIVATE. People who are less than 6th Perspective WILL view these Perspectives as “Labels” and as attacks… as a Competition as “Better” or “Worse” because… They have not yet learned the 6th Ethic of EQUAL FOOTING.


Only people who are 7th Ethic Aligned and higher could discuss these, in private, with others without offense being taken because 6th Ethics and lower just do not have the Ethical Growth yet to understand that “Different” does not mean “Better.” 

And talking about these Perspectives WILL insight aggression in Abusers. 

Furthermore, the Ethical Stages are STAGES for your GROWTH. You are only visiting an Ethic for a time. It is not at all the Focal Point. Just a Marker for you to track your own Alignment and also, to ensure you are Growing. 

The true focus should be on THE LESSON and YOUR TRIAL and YOUR DESTINATION. Never on the Tool.

Professionals should NEVER talk about these outside of the Laboratory or Research Facility. They are only Metrics for Science to conduct Behavioral Studied INSIDE the Lab. Lab tools should NEVER leave the Lab. 

Common Man DOES need to LEARN how to step into the Lab. And then EVERYONE needs to learn how to leave the Lab tools INSIDE the Lab. 

How Do I Know Which Ethic I Am?


Which Trial is your “bane?” 

The Lowest Trial is your Self-Preservation Ethic.

The Highest Ethic is your Authentic Ethic. Self-Preservation trumps Authenticity.

  1. Courage / Risk Taking Trial
  2. Self-Authority and Autonomy / Confidence  with Gifted Vulnerability Trial
  3. Self-Regulation Trial
  4. Self-Law / Personal Boundary / Self-Protection Trial
  5. Accountability / Responsibility / Making Choices Trial
  6. Self-Value / Self-Priority Equal To Others Trial
  7. Surrendering of Ego /Humble Submission to Learn Trial
  8. Giving Voice Trial
  9. Consideration of Others / Balance of Teaching while Learning Trial
  10. Emotional Allowance and Acceptance Trial
  11. Logical Navigation & Logical Purity Above Emotions Trial
  12. No Judgement with Forgiveness and Logical Navigation of Emotions Trial