Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson


I have thought long and hard about what Plato’s Point should be for The Radical Global Healing Plan.

I thought about Mindset.

I thought about Love.

I thought about Humanity.

I have settled on Truth.


Understanding what we are up against is understanding “The Big Picture.” But a lot of people aren’t standing outside of Society to see “The Big Picture.”

A couple days ago, someone asked me what it was like growing up outside of the System. What it looked like, felt like, to see your System.

It’s a Mass of Confusion.

No one can tell Lie from Truth.

And when you can tell Lie From Truth, the Truth speakers are so “Nice” and are so “Preserve The Ethics” that they wont’ speak the Truth.

So Liars and Bullies are running around Free. Everyone is Confused because The Truth has been lost.

And part of that Truth is people not knowing what is right or wrong.

People not knowing what is Lie or Truth.

People not knowing what Ethics are, but every single Truth in this world has been lost by the Collective.

And it all stems from Education.


Education leads to Truth.

Truth leads to Knowing The Ethics.

The Ethics lead to knowing what is Right and Wrong.

And then you change. And then more people defend The Truth.


But no one knows the Truth to Defend it.


Do you remember when we were children and someone broke the lamp? So mum and dad asked all the children what happened.

The Truth was the Common Denominator.


Reality is whatever we make it.

Mindset is a Consequence to our understanding of Truth.

Truth is Logic.

Logic is the Science of Truth.

Ontology is the Science of Reality.


I spent all of my life doing nothing but studying Love, Truth, Logic, Wisdom, and Reality.

Those are my True Vocations.

And after much thought on this, I have decided that Truth and Logic, in the Name of Love, is where all of this begins. Because this is Wise. And that will build for us, the Reality reflecting Truth with which to reinforce it.


So “What is wrong with the world today?”

We all lost the Education that gives us the Knowledge and Wisdom to know the Truth.

We all have lost The Truth.


The Radical Global Healing Plan is not about telling you The Truth.

The Radical Global Healing Plan is about teaching you HOW to tell The Truth. How to tell Ethics. How to tell Lies and Abuse. How to Defend yourself so you can purify your Environment of Lies so you can stop being Confused. So you can KNOW. So you can be empowered with Self-Authority and Independence so you can teach yourself.

So you can silence Toxic Authority and Lying Teachers.

Lies have been weaponized against us. And Truth, Education, and Logic has been taken away from us. The 12 Ethics have been taken away from us.

And with these things, we lost Love, which grows, creates, cures, and heals.


The Healing Garden, PANDO, and my World is the only place in the world that has been purified of Lie and Abuse.


The Order of Operation is thus:

  • Logic = Truth
  • Physics
  • Justice = Karma and The Equilibrium
  • Education, Learning, Knowledge
  • The 12 Ethics

The 12 Ethics are the Common Denominators through all of humanity and time that are consistently present whenever there is Good and Love.

They are what is absence whenever there is Lie, Abuse, Evil, and Fear.

Ignorance is the real enemy here.

Lies are the weapon of the Ignorant.

There are a lot of good people who are ignorant right now, and the only way to fix this situation we all are in is to all, embrace the 12 Ethics, surrender your Ego and humble thyself to the Lesson.


If you prioritize your Ego over Learning, you will never learn, you will never heal, you will never rise above where you are.


Arrogance is the refusal to learn to preserve the Ego.

Humble is the submission and surrender to learn the Lesson.


Welcome to The Radical Global Healing Plan.