Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

Welcome to Grouping! 

Grouping is a Tool to help you decide which Path is best for you. The Uneducated often mistake and misuse “Grouping” as “Labels.”

Let’s talk about that right now.

Grouping is a Tool in your Tool Belt. It is the “Go Here” on your Map. It is not your Name. It is not your Identity.

Where a lot of People confuse Grouping with Name is in the Language and Words we use. So we are taking a moment to get this straightened out right now. 

You are not “A Neurodivergent.” 

This is a Tool that us being used as a Name. What you are is a Healthy, Well-Evolved Mind and Brain that was not Suppressed or Brainwashed inside the System. 

But “Neurodivergent” is a Name that reflects what the System has done to you. This is not your Name. 

My Name is Imagination. This reflects my Point of Origin and it marks the moment I Remembered my Energy Name. 

My Name has nothing to do with Abusers, the System, Fear, or Pain. 

Names are Love and Energy.

A Tool is Knowledge you have so you can best organize and navigate your Healing and Track your own Biological Progression. 

Never use a Tool as a Name. 

Words. Matter. 

ADHD, Diagnoses, “Neurodivergent,” … These are Labels. They aren’t even accurate or correct Labels. They are Red Herrings that box you in and Clog up your RAS (Reticular Articulating System).

Wipe the slate clean. 

Within Triadic Healing, all of this will be explained as we walk you through How the Subconscious Mind works.

Saying “I have ADHD” or “I am Neurodivergent,” … In our Linguistics and Logic course, you will learn just how toxic and damaging these sentences are to your Subconscious Mind, and how much they twist and warp your Logic into Madness. 

Placebo Effect is Dangerous.

Mass Hysteria Kills.