Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

Think on your Qualities and Skills. 

It is in the WANTING of the Qualities and the Skills that we BECOME who and what we are. 

Take this time to Google “Qualities” online and see which ones you Desire for yourself. WISHING you were a certain way IS Quality choosing.

Journal Assignment : Reflect on how you can practice your Qualities and Skills. 

The selecting of your Qualities and Skills is you cherry picking attributes for your Life Stream and deciding who and what your Life Stream should be.


Your Quest:

Business Owners/Entrepreneurs:
Use today’s lesson to cement your plans and Fortify the Self. Assess your Business and your plans to ensure they match your Destination and goal!
Think about how this information would help your Staff, Employees, and Patrons so they can better utilize your Business Network to Grow themselves so their work would become more efficient.
Valkyrie Lightworkers: Think about how you can apply this to both you and your Patrons. How this Leads your Patrons from where you they are to where they want to go.
Educators/Parents: Think about how to use question, conversation and story to break this down for your Students/Children.
Encourage discussion and conversation, engage this line of question also with yourself and keep a journal. Reflect on what you would have changed for yourself had you the proper guidance at a younger age, and how you can now change this for your students/children.
Pilgrims/Philosophers: Reflect on the Self and how you want this to be used for the Journey ahead. As you transform your life or solidify what you have, how would you alter your course to reflect a better life for yourself?