Course Content
4 August 2024 : RGHP 160+ IQ / Sophie’s World / The Power Books “Skill Building”
“THE CAVE” Day #3 –> Self-Regulation : Recalibrating and Building Your Journey
Anger And “Being Mean” : The Path To Kindness
About Lesson

I think often about my strictness. But also, I’m raising an Ethical Standard that has not existed prior. And I’m doing it with Pacifism. It’s just me vs. The World because no one in the world has ever heard of any of this before… 

And it took me so long to learn how to stand up against the world, rise out of where I was, push against the Collective, rise out of the Hierarchy, wander alone in the Abstract, map it in all of its entirety, and, when I came back, I was greeted with more anger, hostility, and abuse…


I felt like I had come back from Mars, and explorer of Mars, and People were more interested in telling me what they believed Mars was like, than listening at all to me. 


And no one wanted to hear the proof, the science, or the journey. They just wanted to hear how I could tell them how right they were… only… they weren’t.

No one except the Unbiased could walk into the Abstract. And I learned to be cold and hard to survive the abuse it took to get me right here with you.

I learned to be steadfast and determined. I learned to keep fighting against the Collective for what Truth I learned in the Abstract.

And that is it really… So many people wanted me to make my story and my discoveries in the Deep Abstract all about their beliefs. And I won’t allow that. My story, my journey into the Abstract, is about me. It’s about the Truth. It’s about the Science. 

You were not part of that. You can only hear and listen about “what was it like” or you can just… leave and discover it on your own in your own time. 

But if you want to hear from someone who has been there. Who did it. Who walked the full length of the First Journey that stretched over 36 Levels of Consciousness, to the Point of Comprehension, okay then. I will tell you all about it. 

Understand, for me, it’s like Neil Armstrong went to the Moon and when he got back, you walked up to him and told him all about how you think it is instead of asking Neil what it was like being on the Moon.


And every person who I have met has done that to me. “Wow! You were on the Moon! Let me tell you what I think it’s like on the Moon!” 

And I’m finally at that point where I’m saying, “No. Do not tell me what you *think* it feels like to be on the Moon when you have never even stepped into NASA.” 


But I am so… so dumbfounded, how many “Spiritualists” were consumed with just wanting to be right or wanting the Validation than learning. So few of them were interested in Learning.

It’s all Science that they won’t/don’t study. They wanted the Science to validate their beliefs, but they don’t want to actually learn the Science that can validate their beliefs… *disbelief* … It is like learning that you’re a wizard, and you decline attending Hogwarts ‘cuz you’ve decided to just “wing it” and “you’ve got this.” 

So when I’m “Nice,” these Oasis Spiritualists tell me all about what they think The Journey is about when they haven’t even crossed into the Abstract and are only 10% to 15% started.


Never bring an Opinion to a Science and Truth Fair.