There is a very strict “Order of Operations” that occurs with every Courtship.
There is no telling when we will fall in Love.
In fact, when it is “The One” it will be instant, Calm, like a “Coming Home” and it will feel like a Piece of you is Returned.
I believe people are “Polyamorous” until the find The One. — This is assuming these people are Healthy.
Unhealthy people will remain Polyamorous even after they have found The One.
People who learned “Love does not Nourish Growth” will cling to Polyamory.
The Flip side on this is the Unhealthy Addiction to Control in Monogamous Couples. Couples who use — Weaponize — Monogamy to enslave their Partners.
This was the hardest piece of Research I had to study. Monogamy was used by my Owners/Husbands (There were no differences between the two) to enslave and Control me. To “keep” me. One going so far as telling me I was not allowed to WORK with other men and I had to tell my Employer not to schedule me with Men.
The Other punishing me by abusing my children when HIS Friends hit on me and sexually pursued me, which I had to fight off and defend while he laughed and stood by.
Polyamory was also used — weaponized — to secure “Freedom” and keep oneself “Unavailable” to everyone to prevent closeness.
People in Denial, use Polyamory as an excuse to avoid Intimacy, Commitment, or Relationships.
I have never met a Healthy Polyamorous Couple. I have met Healthy Monogamous Couples.
BUT… The Healthy, Monogamous Couples did not weaponize Monogamy to avoid Confronting their own Insecurities. They did not “DEMAND” Monogamy, nor did they pre-maturely “gift” Monogamy to their Partner.
Monogamy — in the Healthy studies I did — was a Symptom of True Love. Ironically, the best Visual Example of this is in the Show “You’re The Worst.”
That Show did an excellent job depicting the Natural Evolution of Monogamous Relationships that transition out of Polyamorous Relationships.
But, Sexualty is just “The Front.” What Sexuality is really “Masking” is The Intimacy, The Vulnerability, and the World behind The Sexuality. That is what we are going to be diving into.