When something is understood or defined, everyone agrees on the definition. When something is not understood, everyone has their own definition.
Forgiveness is one of those things, like love, reality, and truth where no one can agree on the definition BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS.
Why does no one know?
Forgiveness is only understood at the completion of the 12th Ethic. And most people are the 4th.
I have only seen two… TWO examples of someone who actually displays proper Forgiveness.
- Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables
- Jesus Christ
Forgiveness is NOT “It’s okay that you hurt me.”
Forgiveness is the Victim surrendering any Judgement, Justice, and Damnation of the Abuser for Their own Power, Understanding, and Authority.
Forgiveness IS the Process of Living True to and Honoring the 12 Ethics.
Do Not Judge the person who hurt you.
If you judge, then you are powerless, misunderstanding, and not claiming your Authority, and THAT is the problem.
Forgiveness is not for them.
Forgiveness is for YOUR peace.
Vengeance is the problem.
Damnation and Judgement is Vengeance.
You seek Justice. But this is also an Ethic that is greatly misunderstood.
What was done to you was a violation of your Equal Footing. You were abused while at the Disadvantage, and this is a violation of your Core Ethic.
Forgiveness is the Process of walking yourself through the Undoing, Validation, and Justice of your abuse and Trauma.
This Process is the 12 Ethics in Reverse.
Why this works requires that you understand the Abuse Process.