Hello. Welcome to The Healing Garden. This is one of many tools I have built for you to use. This is The Healing Garden’s Communication Chart. It is here for you to print it out, share it with others, and use it to help you better communicate with Parents, Teachers, Students, Children, and Siblings.
When people converse, we are all trying to build our OWN INDEPENDENT UNDERSTANDING. The more you Understand Independently of others, the more Independent you are. And when we learn, we are building — literally constructing — our Logical Comprehension for our own Independent Understanding.
There are 7 Common Denominators of Miscommunication. This 7 Common Denominators are the 7 points of Communication Break Down. The Healing Garden’s Communication Chart provides both Transmitter and Receiver with the words they need to articulate their misunderstanding.
If you are a Teacher, I strongly recommend you print these out and share it with your Students. If you are a Parent, give this to your children. If you are a student, share this with your Teacher. If you are a child, share this with the adults.
This list is built for ADHD and structured by people with ADHD to help them make their way through Conversation with ease.
There is a Student/Child Version and a Parent/Teacher Version.
Parents can also use this Communication Chart, and any student who wishes to take this home for them to help with their families, I strongly encourage them to do so.
Become A Scientist With Me
Part #2 of the Communication Chart Project is an open invitation to all of you to become a Scientist with me. I need Data. Which means I need to know how well this did or did not work. This way, I know what I need to fix and what I need to leave as is.
Regardless of whether or not you do or don’t find The Healing Garden’s Communication Chart helpful, I would really love and appreciate any and all feedback that you are willing to give.
To become a Scientist Researcher with me, please fill out this form (link coming soon). This information is anonymous. I need Teachers, Parents, and Students to fill this out. This form is data to establish my Control Group. Really awesome Sciencey stuff!
I am available to Teachers, Educators, and Parents who are interested in a follow up discussion and/or who have more questions or desire more Education-Based solutions.
Directions For The Communication Chart:
Print out and photocopy as many of The Healing Garden Communication Charts as you need. There is one for Students and one for Teachers. Follow the directions.
Any Teacher who has Students with the Charts will require their own Teacher Version of the Chart so they will know how to respond.
Anyone who has The Healing Garden Communication Chart is agreeing to participate in this Social Experiment, but there is no obligation to become a Scientist Researcher with me. Participation is purely optional.
The Science Behind The Communication Chart
This project is the summation of 30+ years of Educational, Psychological, and Philosophical Research backed 100% by Logic, Math, and Physics.
Learning comes with a high-risk of Miscommunication. This is because the Student does not know the Subject well enough to even know what to say to ask the questions they need to ask.
Learning can create a Catch-22. “I need to learn the language so I can ask my questions, which I can’t ask because I don’t know the language, which I can’t learn because I can’t ask my questions, which I can’t ask…”
This Social Experiment is designed to resolve that Logic Loop, provide tools to Student and Teacher to learn how to learn and teach and also, how to work together. It contains all the Common Denominators that people have when they are trying to learn, but can’t communicate their own Miscommunication.
This is the Algorithm of Learning. Teachers and Students MUST both learn this. Students must learn these Seven Communication Gaps and learn how to Communicate them effectively to the Teacher. This is what this experiment does.
Teachers must be able to Navigate their teaching according to the Student’s Comprehension Gaps.
This is the learning formula that students can use to correct and guide a teacher’s teaching so the teacher can teach better, so the student can learn better.
Students cannot yet speak the language to communicate their misunderstanding. Students can use these 7 points during a lesson to help them communicate to the teacher What they don’t understand.
Communication Chart Directions (Student Version)
Students. When you are learning, and you hit confusion, point to any one of the 7 Points of Misunderstanding and Miscommunication to help you communicate WHAT you don’t understand. And the teacher/parent should know what to do (the Teacher Version explains what they need to do).
Students. All of Learning is you working with the teacher/parent to build your OWN INDEPENDENT UNDERSTANDING of you and the subject. Vocabulary is NOT Understanding. It is a tool to help you understand.
Students. As you speak to the Teacher, point to any of these Points to help the Teacher understand what you need from them so they know what you are trying to communicate.
Student. Use your Emotions to guide you. Use sign language in the Classroom to communicate with your teacher. “So-So” hand gesture means “I kind of understand…?” or “I think I get it…?” Hand raised means “I do not understand,” or “I don’t get it.” and be ready to point to #1, #2, #5, #6, or #7 (when applicable). Teachers have their own instructions so they know what to do. Use “Thumbs Up” to communicate “I understand.”
Get the PDF Student Version here
Communication Chart (Student Version)
1 – “Teacher, you are using a word Unique to your “Profession,” and I need you to translate.”
2 – Student. Remember the Game, “Hot And Cold?” “You’re getting Warmer?”
Use the Game “Hot And Cold” as a scale to communicate to the teacher that your Emotions match your Understanding.
When Words match to your Understanding, you get a “feel good” feeling. When Words DON’T match to your Understanding, you get the “Confusion” emotion, which can become “Frustration.” This is called your Intuition Skill.
When you learn, you are learning how to build the Words to match your Intuition to match your Understanding. This is Logic.
“Hot” (Relief and Processing) means, “I am following, understanding, and am processing.”
“Cold” (Confusion) means “My Intuition is not matching up to my Comprehension, and I need to go back and use better words to “carve out” what I’m trying to say.”
3 – Build the Sequence from “Square One,” which is Plato’s Point. “Teacher. I need you to start at the beginning.” or “Go back earlier.”
4 – “Check!” are the Moments of “Epiphany” when you “Get it!” This is the “Ah Ha!” that we feel when we reach own independent understanding of a subject.
5 – “Teacher. I have lost my Train of Thought. I need you to Back Track because my Mind derailed, and I wasn’t paying attention. DERAILED.”
6 – “I have a question that is not related to Vocabulary, but building my own understanding.”
(Student asks question)
(Teacher answers question… BUT…)
(Student notices that the teacher’s answer is not matching their question because the Student — who is new to the language — may have asked the question wrong).
7 – “Teacher. We are not on the same page. I would like to try re-asking my question. Remember, I am NEW at speaking this language and I need practice and time to learn this language.”
For DIY Teaching…
You need to pause the video and look up the definition of the word as often as needed. The first two weeks are where the most vocabulary words need to be looked up.
The Student will need to learn when they must go back further in the Sequence. They must know where in the Sequence they need to go back to. (Once they are taught the Sequence, they can do this with ALL subjects!) You only need to learn the Sequence once!)
Students need to be able to recognize Plato’s Point (The Origin). This is very easy to learn and we will teach you here. When you enter a new Discipline, you just look for Plato’s Point and then you follow the Order of Operations!
Get the PDF Teacher/Parent Version here
Communication Chart (Teacher/Parent Version)
1 – “Teacher, you are using a word Unique to your “Profession,” and I need you to translate.”
–> Teacher. You need to pause, locate *which* word you used that they don’t understand and then define it for them.
2 – Student. Remember the Game, “Hot And Cold?” “You’re getting Warmer?”
Use the Game “Hot And Cold” as a scale to communicate to the teacher that your Emotions match your Understanding.
When Words match to your Understanding, you get a “feel good” feeling. When Words DON’T match to your Understanding, you get the “Confusion” emotion, which can become “Frustration.” This is called your Intuition Skill.
When you learn, you are learning how to build the Words to match your Intuition to match your Understanding. This is Logic.
“Hot” (Relief and Processing) means, “I am following, understanding, and am processing.”
“Cold” (Confusion) means “My Intuition is not matching up to my Comprehension, and I need to go back and use better words to “carve out” what I’m trying to say.”
–> Teacher. You need to pay attention to the Students “marker” on the “Hot : Cold” Spectrum. As they move from Hot, you can assess how many students are following you and also, who needs you to stop. Over time, your Subconscious Mind intuitively adjust your teaching to reflect better instruction with your students.
When a child hits “luke warm” and “Cold,” stop and ask the student which of these 7 points apply to their problem. NEVER continue when a student is on “Cold.”
One “Hot : Cold” Option is when the child hits “Luke-Warm” they raise their hand flat and signal the “So-so” Hand Gesture. When they hit “Cold,” they raise their hand. This will show you how many (and which) students are following you or not following you… And, it directs the student to Focus on the Lesson because they have to give you their “Metric.”
“So-So” means “Luke Warm” and Hand raised means “Cold.” That is when you ask students to point to their Communication Charts.
Expect this to distract you. It is supposed to distract you. You pausing the lesson to ask the student to use their Communication Charts if they need would go a long way to inviting them to better communicate their needs to you.
3 – Build the Sequence from “Square One,” which is Plato’s Point. “Teacher. I need you to start at the beginning.” or “Go back earlier.”
–> Teacher. Ask them where they need you to go back to. Expect the student to struggle articulating where in the sequence they need you to go back to. You cannot express frustration or upset at this. The student must feel Psychologically Safe enough to communicate what they need.
4 – “Check!” are the Moments of “Epiphany” when you “Get it!” This is the “Ah Ha!” that we feel when we reach own independent understanding of a subject.
–> Teacher. Encourage the children to give you “thumbs up” when they get it. This means the Student and you have successfully worked together to build their Independent Understanding. I recommend a pause here and a rest if this is possible. Ask them if they are ready to continue.
5 – “Teacher. I have lost my Train of Thought. I need you to Back Track because my Mind derailed, and I wasn’t paying attention. DERAILED.”
–> Teacher. The first “Derailed” thought is the first Symptom that the Student is done learning for the day and is maxed out. This will be a great metric for you to see just how overloaded your Students are. Be prepared for students to be here a lot at first. Expect you to discover that none of what you’ve covered is retained.
6 – “I have a question that is not related to Vocabulary, but building my own understanding.”
–> Teacher. You need to invite the student to ask their question and to give them as much time and space to ask. Remember, they are new to the language. This is their time to try speaking the language that you are so proficient at. In reality, they are using their Intuition to translate their Feelings into a language they can’t even speak yet. This will take them time to learn and master.
They are learning how to match their words to their Intuition.
(Student asks question)
(Teacher answers question… BUT…)
(Student notices that the teacher’s answer is not matching their question because the Student — who is new to the language — may have asked the question wrong).
7 – “Teacher. We are not on the same page. I would like to try re-asking my question. Remember, I am NEW at speaking this language and I need practice and time to learn this language.”
–> Teacher. The student did not do well with their first attempt, which is okay, and they need to try again. Wipe the slate clean and give them all the space they need to practice translating and articulating Feelings and Intuition into Words.
Art Students, Musicians, and Theater Students will be best at the Feelings, but may struggle with Words. Your Math, Language, and Logic students will be better at the Wording matched to Feelings. Your Science Students will struggle most with this, as they understand Theory most and Intuition least. Words are birthed from Intuition.
Their asking in Discussion *is* the Learning of Integration.
Couple this with The Healing Garden “Find Yourself” Quiz for a boost in Self-Awareness.